

第1个回答  2024-05-20
重阳节的来历中英文版    重阳节的来历中英文版   重阳节(The Double Ninth Festival)农历九月九日,为传统的重阳节,又称“老人节”。《易经》中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九。   The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and is also known as the Double Ninth Festival.   traditonal customs   传统习俗   Climbing Mountains   登高   One of the customs on this day is to go mountaineering, which is also why the Double Ninth Festival is known as the "Mountain-climbing Festival". The ninth lunar month offers clear autumn skies and refreshing air, making it a perfect time for sightseeing. Therefore, people of all ages enjoy mountaineering and sightseeing during this season.   In addition to dispelling misfortune and disasters, mountaineering symbolizes "ascending to a higher position", which is also a significant reason why this custom has been valued by ancient people. Furthermore, the elderly especially appreciate mountaineering as it signifies “climbing to a long life”. Thus, people believe that mountaineering can enhance longevity.   It is invigorating to climb mountains and appreciate the beauty of nature during the bright and clear autumn days. The tradition of mountaineering on the Double Ninth Festival dates back to the Tang Dynasty, and many poems have been written about this custom.   "On the Ninth Day of the Ninth Lunar Month: Remembering My Brothers in Shandong"   ------- Wang Wei (701-761) in the Tang Dynasty   Alone in a foreign land,   I feel twice as homesick on this day.   Knowing that my brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,   Each with a branch, yet my branch is missing.   九月九日忆山东兄弟   (唐) 王维   独在异乡为异客,   每逢佳节倍思亲。   遥知兄弟登高处,   遍插茱萸少一人。   Enjoying Chrysanthemum Flowers   赏菊花   The chrysanthemum, originating in China, has been recorded in some Chinese books as early as the 5th century B.C. The chrysanthemum blooms in the ninth lunar month and is affectionately known as the "flower of longevity".   菊花产自中国,最早记载始于公元前5世纪。菊花在阴历九月盛开,被誉为“长寿之花”   Drinking Chrysanthemum Flower Wine   饮菊花酒   The brewing of chrysanthemum flower wine is quite unique. In ancient times, people would pick fresh chrysanthemums and leaves on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and mix them with grains to make wine. This wine was not consumed until the same day the following year. It is said to have beneficial effects on improving eyesight, reducing headaches, lowering blood pressure, losing weight, and curing stomach ailments, contributing to a long life. It is believed that those who drink the chrysanthemum wine would be free from evil and have a strong body against cold weather.   The brewing of chrysanthemum flower wine is quite unique. In ancient times, people would pick fresh chrysanthemums and leaves on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and mix them with grains to make wine. This wine was not consumed until the same day the following year. It is said to have beneficial effects on improving eyesight, reducing headaches, lowering blood pressure, losing weight, and curing stomach ailments, contributing to a long life. It is believed that those who drink the chrysanthemum wine would be free from evil and have a strong body against cold weather.   Wearing Dogwood   插茱萸   The dogwood is a type of evergreen tree; it is a plant with a strong scent whose fruit is edible and whose leaves and bark can be used as medicinal materials. They can repel insects, eliminate humidity, aid digestion, and treat internal heat. In spring, it produces purple flowers, and in autumn, it bears purplish-brown fruit that is sour, astringent, and mild in nature.   茱萸为常绿乔木。该植物具有浓香,其果实可食用或干藏。其叶详情