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黄果树瀑布(Huangguoshu Waterfalls),国家5A级风景区,位于贵州省安顺市白水河上。周围岩溶广布,河宽水急,山峦叠翠,气势雄伟,历来是连接云南、贵州两省的主要通道。白水河流经当地时河床断落成九级瀑布,黄果树为其中最大一级。以水势浩大著称,也是世界著名大瀑布之一。瀑布对面建有观瀑亭,游人可在亭中观赏汹涌澎湃的河水奔腾直泄犀牛潭。腾起水珠高90多米,在附近形成水帘,盛夏到此,暑气全消。它以其雄奇壮阔的大瀑布、连环密布的瀑布群而闻名于海内外,十分壮丽。并享有“中华第一瀑”之盛誉。果树大瀑布,是贵州第一胜景,中国第一大瀑布,也是世界最阔大壮观的瀑布之一。高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。分布着风格各异的大小18个瀑布,形成一个庞大的瀑布“家族”,被大世界吉尼斯总部评为世界上最大的瀑布群,列入世界吉尼斯记录。黄果树大瀑布是黄果树瀑布群中最为壮观的瀑布,是世界上唯一可以从上、下、前、后、左、右六个方位观赏的瀑布,也是世界上有水帘洞自然贯通且能从洞内外听、观、摸的瀑布。

第1个回答  2010-04-25
Huangguoshu Falls (Huangguoshu Waterfalls), state-level scenic spot 5A, located in Anshun City, Guizhou Province Baishuihe on. Widely distributed around the karst, river width and swift rivers, chain of mountains, imposing, always connecting Yunnan and Guizhou provinces in the main channel. White Water River flows through the river bed local time off the completion of nine waterfalls, Huangguoshu is the largest one. Known to waters rose, one of the world famous Falls. Falls across the built Guanbao Ting, visitors can enjoy surging in the booth vent rhino river rushing straight pool. Jumping over 90 meters high water drops, in the form near the curtain, the height of summer to this, heat the whole consumption. With its magnificent magnificent Great Falls, a chain known for clouds of falls in the home and abroad, is magnificent. And the "First Fall" of reputation. Fruit Great Falls, is the first attraction in Guizhou, China's largest waterfall, is the world's most spectacular waterfalls in scope in one. Height of 77.8 meters, 67 meters high waterfall, which the Lord; Falls, 101 meters wide, of which the main waterfall top width of 83.3 meters. The size distribution of the different styles of 18 waterfalls, form a large waterfall "family" was Big World 吉尼斯总部 as the world's largest waterfalls, included in the Guinness world record. Huangguoshu Falls is the most spectacular waterfalls Huangguoshu waterfall, is the world's only from the upper and lower, front, back, left and right view of the Falls of six directions, but also through the natural world and can have shuiliandong from outside the cave to listen to, view, touch the waterfall.
第2个回答  2010-05-07
Huangguoshu Falls (Huangguoshu Waterfalls), state-level scenic spot 5A, located in Anshun City, Guizhou Province Baishuihe on. Widely distributed around the karst, river width and swift rivers, chain of mountains, imposing, always connecting Yunnan and Guizhou provinces in the main channel. White Water River flows through the river bed local time off the completion of nine waterfalls, Huangguoshu is the largest one. Known to waters rose, one of the world famous Falls. Falls across the built Guanbao Ting, visitors can enjoy surging in the booth vent rhino river rushing straight pool. Jumping over 90 meters high water drops, in the form near the curtain, the height of summer to this, heat the whole consumption. With its magnificent magnificent Great Falls, a chain known for clouds of falls in the home and abroad, is magnificent. And the "First Fall" of reputation. Fruit Great Falls, is the first attraction in Guizhou, China's largest waterfall, is the world's most spectacular waterfalls in scope in one. Height of 77.8 meters, 67 meters high waterfall, which the Lord; Falls, 101 meters wide, of which the main waterfall top width of 83.3 meters. The size distribution of the different styles of 18 waterfalls, form a large waterfall "family" was Big World 吉尼斯总部 as the world's largest waterfalls, included in the Guinness world record. Huangguoshu Falls is the most spectacular waterfalls Huangguoshu waterfall, is the world's only from the upper and lower, front, back, left and right view of the Falls of six directions, but also through the natural world and can have shuiliandong from outside the cave to listen to, view, touch the waterfall.