

第1个回答  2010-03-15
They walked slowly in snow. 他和她,他们是两只狼。 Him and her, they are two wolves. 他的个子很大,很结 His very tall, very knot

实,刀条耳,目光炯炯有神,牙爪坚硬有力。 Indeed, knives of ears, eyes bright and piercing, dental hard powerful claws. 她则完全不一样,她个子小 She is completely not the same, she was a small sub -

巧,鼻头黑黑的,眼睛始终潮润着,有一种小南风般朦胧的雾气,在一潭 Coincidentally, black nose, eyes always Chaorun, and there was a small southerly like hazy mist, in a pool of

秋水之上悬浮着似的。 Lines of Flight suspended above the like. 他的风格是山的样子,她的风格则是水的样子。 His style is like mountains, her style is like water. 刚 Gang

才因为她故意捣乱,有只兔子在他们的面前眼巴巴地跑掉了。 Only because she was intentionally disruptive, there is only rabbit in front of them ran away helplessly.

他是在他还是少年的时候就征服了她的。 He was young he was when he conquered her. 然后他们在一起相依为命,共同 Then they had each other with common

生活了整整九年。 Living a full nine years. 这期间,她曾一次次地把他从血气冲天的战场上拖下 During this period, she had time and time again he was from the blood gas drag on the battlefield under the sky

来,把伤疤累累昏迷不醒的他拖进荒僻的山洞里,用舌头添他的伤口,添 Years, the scars of countless unconscious, he dragged into desolate cave where his wounds with his tongue Tim, Tim

净他伤口上的血迹,把猎枪的砂弹或者凶猛的敌人咬碎的骨头渣子清理干 Net wound on his blood, the shotgun shells, or sand the bones of fierce enemies Yaosui sediment dry cleaning

净,然后,从高坡上风也似的冲下去,去追捕獐獾,用獐脐和獾油为他涂 Net, and then, from the high slope, the wind down like a red, to hunt deer badger, badger oil with the roe in his navel and the TU

抹伤口。 Wipe the wound. 做完这一切后,她就在他的身边卧下,整日整夜的,一动不动。 Done all this, she encouraged her lying at his side, the day all night, and one at every turn.

但是,更多的时候,是由他来看顾她的。 However, more often, is run by his care of her. 他们得去无休无止地追逐自己的 They have to go to endlessly pursue their own

食物,得与同伴拼死拼活哦争夺地盘,得提防比自己强大的凶猛对手的袭 Food, must compete with their peers Pinsipinhuo Oh sites, have to beware of the ferocious than their opponent's attack power

击,还得随时警惕来自人类的敌视。 Hit, had to keep alert from human hostility. 这真的很难,有时候他简直累坏了。 It is really difficult, and sometimes he was simply tired.

他总是伤痕累累,疲于应战。 He was always scarred, struggling to meet the challenge. 而她呢,却像个不安分的惹事包,老是在天 And she does, but like a restless trouble packages, always in the days

敌之外不断地给他增添更多的麻烦。 The enemy continued to give him other than to add more trouble. 她太好奇而且有着过分快乐的天性。 She was too curious and had too much fun nature.

她甚至以制造那些惊心动魄险象环生的麻烦为乐事。 She even to create trouble and danger for those earth-shaking pleasure. 他只得不断地与环境 He had to constantly and the Environment

和强大的敌手抗争。 And powerful adversaries fight. 他怒气冲天,一次又一次深入绝境,把她从厄运之中 His towering rage, again and again in-depth impasse, brought her from the misfortune of being

拯救出来。 Rescue. 他在那个时候简直就像一个威风凛凛的战神, At that time, he looked like a majestic God of War,

没有任何对手可以扼制住他。 There is no opponent could deter him live. 他的成功和荣誉也差不多全是由她创造出 His success and honor is almost entirely created by her

来的。 Come. 没有她的任性,他只会是一只普通的狼。 Without her willfulness, he would only be a normal wolf.

天渐渐地黑下去,他决定尽快地去为她也为自己弄到果腹的食物。 Gradually go dark days, he decided to go for her as soon as possible get to feed their families for their own food.

天很黑,风雪又大,他们在这种状况下朝着灯火依稀可辨的村子走去,自 It was dark, as the blizzard was big, they are in this situation toward the lights of the village went faintly discernible, since the

然就无法发现那口井了。 Ran can not find that the wells had. 井是一口枯井,村里人不原让雪灌了井,将一黄 Well is a dry hole, the original village people do not let the snow filling the wells, will be a yellow

棕旧雪披事先护住了井口,不经心地做成了一个陷阱。 Old brown Ice Phi prior Huzhu the wellhead, carefully made, without a trap. 他在前面走着, He walked in front,

她在后面跟着,中间相隔着十几步。 She was followed, in the middle separated by the 10 steps. 他丝毫也没有预感,待他发觉脚下让 He has not the slightest presentiment, when he found the foot so that

人疑心的虚松时,已经来不及了。 Were suspicious of the virtual pine, it was already too late. 她那时正在看雪地里的一处旋风,旋 She then looking at the snow in a whirlwind, spin -

风中有一枝折断了的松枝,在风的嬉弄下旋转得如何停不下来的舞娘。 There are a broken wind in pine branches, get the wind to rotate under the hip of how the dancers can not stop himself. 轰 H

的一声闷响从脚下的什么地方传来。 Gave the Menxiang where the foot came from. 她才发现他从她的视线中消失了。 She found him from her sight is gone. 她 She

奔到井边。 Ran to the well.

他有一刻是晕厥过去了。 He has a moment is gone syncope. 但是他很快醒过来,并且立刻弄清楚了自己的处 But he soon woke up and immediately figure out his own office

境。 Habitat. 他发现情况不像想象的那么糟糕。 He found that does not look as bad as imagined. 他只不过是掉进了一口枯井里,他 He has merely fallen into a dry hole, he

想这算不得什么。 Like it was nothing. 他曾被一个猎人安置的活套套住,还有一次他被夹在两 He was a hunter of live sets Presentation resettlement housing, and once he was caught in the two

块顺流而下的冰砣当中,整整两天的时间他才得以从冰砣当中解脱出来。 Blocks of ice downstream ram them down, for a whole two days he was able to extricate them from the ice mound.

另外一次他和一头受了伤的野猪狭路相逢,那一次他的整个身子都被鲜血 Another time he and a wounded wild boar their territories, by that time his whole body were blood

染红了。 Dyed in. 他经过的厄运不知道有多少,最终他都闯过来了。 After his bad luck did not know how much he has been through the end came.

井是那种大肚瓶似的,下畅上束,井壁凿得光溜,没有可供攀援的地方。 Well is the kind of mosquito-like bottle, the next smooth the beam, wall chisel too Guang Liu, there is no place for climbing.

他要她站开一些,以免他跃出井口时撞伤了她。 He asked her to stand open, lest, when he was leaping Iguchi struck her. 她果然站开了,站到离井 She turned Station was opened, stand away from the well

口几尺远的地方。 Mouth a few feet away. 除了顽皮的时候,她总是很听从他的。 In addition to naughty, she always listen to him. 她听见井底传出 She heard the bottom of the well spread

他信心十足的一声深呼吸,然后听见由近及远的两道尖锐的刮挠声,随即 His confidence is heard deep breath, and then heard from near and far 2 sharp scraping scratching sound, then

是什么东西重重跌落的声音。 What is the voice of something heavy falling.

他躺在井底,一头一身全是雪粉和泥土。 He was lying on the bottom, a pink one all the snow and mud. 他刚才那一跃,跃出了两丈来 That he has just jumped, leaping out of the Liang Zhang to

高,这个高度实在是有些了不起的,但是离井口还差着老大一截子呢。 High, the height of it is some great, but a length away from the wellhead short of the oldest son of it. 他 He

的两只利爪将井壁的冻土乱挠出两道很深的印痕,那两道挠痕触目惊心, The two claws will scratch out the wall of the frozen disorder two deep-prints, scratch marks Na Liangdao startling,

同时也是一种深深的遗憾。 Is also a deep sense of regret. 她扒在井沿上,先啜泣,后来止不住,放声 She Grilled on Jing Yan, the first weep, then not stop, burst into

出来。 Out. 她说,呜呜,都怪我,我不该放走那只兔子。 She said, hum, blame me, I should not have let go rabbit.