
1.wanna 2.nanny 3.It sound so exciting what the nanny does. 4.I don't wanna be rude,but will you! 5.Don't be such an asshole. 6.I'm seeing your ex-boyfriend now. 7.I didn't know mean to get you into this. 8.details 9.I think you have got everything that you want. 10.Please save the question for yourself,pretty witch. 11.mirror 12.Finally we get the answer after so many years. 13.you two had sex.选择会的回答,回答的越多得分越多.

第1个回答  2009-06-19
1.想 2.保姆 3.这听起来,令人兴奋,保姆什么。 4.我不想粗鲁,但你 ! 5 时不要这样一个花花公子。 6.我现在看你的前男朋友。 7.不知道想你进入这。 8.详细介绍 9.认为你有所需的一切。 10 请保存为自己美丽女巫问题。 11 镜像 12 最后我们得到经过这么多年答案。 13.你们两个了性别