

第1个回答  2022-07-11
Most Chinese daughters have a desire strong,

To face the powder and not powder the face.

赏析: face the powder 隐喻上战场

powder the face 化妆

许渊冲用了意译,运用了face与powder名词和动词的不同意思,face the powder 和powder the face 连在一起,使译文有一种循环往复的乐趣

From hill to hill, no bird in flight.

From path to path no man in sight.

A lonely fisherman afloat.

Is fishing snow in lonely boat.


一二句是: From…to…,no…in…

其次,译文押了尾韵,flight与sight, afloat与boat.


想必,正是他在翻译道路上的执着凝聚成了他在翻译领域里的卓越才华,才为我们带来了“to face the powder and not powder the face”的绕口令似的佳译,和“A lonely fisherman afloat, is fishing snow in lonely boat”的充满意境的译作。