

第1个回答  2006-12-01

Arthur: And what did you hear?
Arthur: And yet you choose death for this family!
Arthur: Are you coming, Bors?
Arthur: As many as tried to kill me. Its the natural state of any man to want to live.
Arthur: How many times in battle have we snatched victory from the jaws of defeat? Outnumbered, outflanked, but still we triumph? With you at my side, we can do so again. Lancelot, we are knights. What other purpose do we serve if not for such a cause?
Arthur: How's your hand?
Arthur: I came to see your face so that I alone may find you on the battlefield. And it will be good of you to mark my face, Saxon, for the next time you see it, it will be the last thing you see on this earth.
Arthur: It's a family tradition.
Arthur: Knights! The gift of freedom is yours by right. But the home we seek resides not in some distant land, it's in us, and in our actions on this day! If this be our destiny, then so be it. But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
Arthur: Listen lady. Do not pretend like you know anything about me or my knights.
Arthur: Listen, lady. Do not pretend you know anything about me or my men.
Arthur: Mark my face, for the next time you see it, it will be the last thing you see on this earth.
Arthur: My faith is what protects me, Lancelot. Why do you challenge this?
Arthur: No man fears to kneel before the God he trusts. Without faith, without belief in something, what are we?
Arthur: O merciful God, I have such need of Your mercy now. Not for myself, but for my knights, for this is truly their hour of need. Deliver them from their trials ahead and I will pay You a thousand fold with any sacrifice You ask of me. And if in Your wisdom, You should determine that sacrifice must be my life for theirs; so that they can once again taste the freedom that is so long been denied to them, I will gladly make that covenant. My death will have a purpose. I ask no more than that.
Arthur: Really? And what did you hear?
Arthur: Them, we've fought before.
Arthur: These people need our help. It is out duty to bring...
Arthur: What is this madness?
Bors: Blue demons that eat Christians alive. You're not a Christian, are you?
Bors: Dagonet, she wants to get married and give the children names.
Bors: Have you been fighting?
Bors: Have you been winning?
Bors: How many did you kill?
Bors: I like the little bastards. They mean something to me. Especially Number Three! He's a good fighter!
Bors: I love all my bastards! Especially Number Three! He's a good fighter!
Bors: I never could piss straight. Too much of myself to handle. Down there...
Bors: It's in your blood boy.
Bors: Just Gilly. It's too much trouble so we gave the rest of them numbers.
Bors: Not a bad start to the day.
Bors: Of course I'm coming! None of you'll live without me there to protect you!
Bors: Oh I'm trying to avoid that decision... by getting killed.
Bors: That's my boy.
Bors: Well it's a problem! No really, it is. It's a problem. It's like...
Bors: Well now that we're free men, I'm gonna drink 'till I can't piss straight.
Bors: You been winning?
Bors: You look nothing like him!
Bors: [looks around] Everyone's thinkin' it, I'm just sayin' it.
Bors: [looks around] I'm just saying what you're all thinking.
Bors: [speaking to his baby] I guess now I'll have to marry your mother.
Cerdic: Arthur, wherever I go on this wrenched island, I hear your name. Always half whispered, as if you were, God. But all I see is flesh, blood. No more God then the creature you're sitting on.
Cerdic: You come to beg a truce, you should be on your knees.
Cerdic: [after meeting Arthur] Finally, a man worth killing.
Dagonet: Bors, you coming?
Galahad: I don't kill for pleasure, unlike some.
Galahad: Imagine what a lovely, quiet place the world would be if everyone had their throats slit.
Galahad: Oh no. No. After tomorrow, this was all just a bad memory.
Gawain: I can't wait to get off this island. If it's not raining, it's snowing, and if it's not snowing, it's foggy.
Gawain: I can't wait to leave this island. If it's not raining, it's snowing, and if it's not snowing, it's foggy.
Gawain: I see. And what will I be doing?
Gawain: I see. And where will I be?
Gawain: Is that before or after I hit you with my axe?
Gawain: Is this before or after I hit you with my axe?
Gawain: The gifts the gods gave me I use in battle or in bed.
Gawain: You do that every night.
Gawain: [after Tristan lands another dagger right the butt of his dagger] Tristan, how do you do that?
Gawain: [All the Knights together] ... a baby's arm holding an apple.
Gilly (Bors' son): Yes.
Guinevere: Animals live. It's the natural state of any man to want to live free... in their own country. I belong to this land. Where do you belong, Arthur?
Guinevere: Don't worry; I won't let them rape you.
Guinevere: Fairy tales. Of men so brave, so selfless, they can't be real. Arthur and his knights. A lead of both Roman and British. And yet, you chose your allegiance to Rome, to those who take what isn't theirs. That same Rome that took your men from their home.
Guinevere: Fairy tales. The kind you hear about people so brave, so selfless, that they can't be real. Arthur and his knights. A leader both Briton and Roman. And yet, you chose your allegiance to Rome, to those who take what does not belong to them. That same Rome that took your men from their homeland.
Guinevere: He died in battle?
Guinevere: How many Britons have you killed?
Guinevere: I belong to this land. Where do you belong?
Guinevere: I'll live, I promise you. Is there nothing about this land that appeals to your heart? Even your father married a Britain. He must have found something to his liking.
Guinevere: My father told me great tales of you.
Guinevere: What tomarrow brings, we cannot know.
Horton: God help us. What are they?
Lancelot: And that's summer.
Lancelot: Arthur, you fight for a world that will never exist. Never. There will always be a battlefield. I will die in battle. Of that I'm certain. Now hopefully, a battle of my choosing.But, if it be this one, grant me a favor: don't bury me in our sad little cemetery.Burn me.Burn me, and cast my ashes to a strong east wind.
Lancelot: For three hundred years knights had fought and died for a cause none of their own. But that day on Badon's Hill, they fought for a greater cause, freedom.
Lancelot: For two hundred years knights had fought and died for a land not their own, but on that day on Badon Hill all who fought put their lifes in service of a greater cause freedom.
Lancelot: Hey Bors. You intend to take Vanora and all your little bastards back home?
Lancelot: I don't believe in Heaven! I've been living too long in this hell!
Lancelot: I don't care about your charge. And I don't give a damn about Romans, Britain, or this island. If you desire to spend eternity in this place, Arthur, then so be it. But suicide cannot be chosen for another-!
Lancelot: I don't like anything that puts a man on his knees.
Lancelot: I will die in battle, of that I'm certain. But hopefully a battle of my choosing. But if it be this one, grant me a favor. Don't bury me in our sad little cemetery, burn me. Burn me and cast my ashes to a strong east wind.
Lancelot: No, I choose life! And freedom! For myself and the men!
Lancelot: Not north of the Wall! How many Saxons? Hmm? How many? Tell me. Do you believe in this mission?
Lancelot: That's because he's mine.
Lancelot: That's interesting. I thought you couldn't count.
Lancelot: There is a large number of lonely men out there.
Lancelot: To try and get past the Woads in the north is insanity.
Lancelot: Well, if this woman of Gawain's is as beautiful as he claims, I expect I'll be spending a lot of time at Gawain's house. His wife will welcome the company.
Lancelot: When are you going to leave him and come and run away with me?
Lancelot: Why do you always talk to God and not to me? Pray. To whomever you pray that we don't cross the Saxons.
Lancelot: Wondering as is your good fortune why all your children look like me.
Lancelot: Wondering at your good fortune that all your children look like me.
Tristan: Four.
Tristan: I aim for the middle.
Tristan: Women! The children already have names, don't they?
Tristan: You should try it some day. You might get a taste for it.
Vanora: Careful, my lover is watching.
Vanora: My lover is watching you.
Vanora: Who said I'd have you?
[about Arthur's father]
[Bors is looking at his baby, then looks at Lancelot, who has a smirk on his face]
[Lancelot's plans for the future]
[looks at the Knights]
[Tristan has been scouting the Saxons]本回答被网友采纳