课文《Unit 1 My day》教案


第1个回答  2022-06-25


  1、能够在图片和语境的帮助下读懂信件,并且能够以信件为基础,运用本单元所学重点内容。(Read and write)

  2、能听、说、认读单词“play”, “letter”, “live”,“island”, “always”, “cave”, “win”和词组“go swimming”.

  3、检测部分要求学生能够熟练地听、说并运用本单元对话部分的主要句型,能够听、说、读、写四会单词及短语。(Let’s check.)

  4、能归纳、整理学过的常见的`以go, play, have, do开头的动词短语。(Let’s wrap it up.)







  PPT 图片


  Step 1: Warm—up


  2、教师播放本单元歌曲“My weekend”,学生跟唱。

  Step 2:Presentation

  1、Sharp eyes:出示本课A Let’s learn/B Let’s learn情景图片,复习单词。


  Step 3:Practice

  1、Read and write.

  (1) 先让学生了解play的意思,课件上出示新单词play, letter,from,简单了解小说《鲁滨孙逊漂流记》,认识人物Robinson and Friday.

  (2) 课件上出示新单词“is good at” ,“win”,“island”, “cave”,自读课本第9页Read and write的短文,理解大意,圈出不会读的单词和不理解的句子。

  (3) Group work: 小组讨论不会读的单词和不懂的句子。

  (4) 再次阅读短文完成书上第九页的tick or cross。(如果有错误,请在题上改正),三分钟后,PPT呈现原文,一起核对答案。


  Where does Robinson live on?

  What’s Robinson’s friend’s name?

  What is Friday good at?

  What does Robinson do?

  (6) Write a letter to Robinson.

  ① 学生根据课本上所给的提示,给鲁滨逊写一封信,介绍自己每天经常做的事情。

  ② 学生先在小组内阅读自己写的信件,然后教师请一两位小组代表阅读信件,其他学生点评。

  Step 4: Summary

  If you are Robinson, can you live on this island? What can you learn?

  Step 5: Homework

  1、熟读 Read and write



  Unit1 My day

  Part B Read and write

  What do you do on …?

  I often/usually/always/sometimes …

  My day英语作文

  My Day 1

  May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labors Day. My mother said to me :Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Lets go to park, So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. Its colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

  In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

  May Day is my favorite day!、

  My Day 2

  I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival . I went to the park with my friends . We met at eight oclock at the school gate . We went to the park by bike .It was a beautiful day . We sat under a big tree and chated with each other . We took about some movies and some fun things . We had lunch there . We ate hamburgers and some drinks , but I know they are not healthy and not good for us . Then we played some games .

  We were all fell tired ,but we were very happy ! It was great fun !

  My Day 3

  Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. I do morning exercises at 7:50.We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, Im very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have computer class and art classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.

  My Day 4

  Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I dont go to school. I want go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is near . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a pencil . At 12:00 I go home for lunch. I have some vegetable and meat for lunch. I read a book in the afternoon. I eat some noodles and fruit for supper. After supper, I do my homework. then I watch TV. Later, I play on the computer. I lie on my bed. I listen to the radio. I have a happy day.