

第1个回答  2014-08-29
英语真是头痛的问题~不 应该是抓狂的事..所以后来我就找英语学习中心帮我了…ABC夫下英语我觉得还不错.好. 现在我也学的差不多了;语感慢慢的培养起来了 语法运用的也还不错,感觉还不错哦,你也行的,加油!Is Failure a Bad Tng Failure is a common tng in our daily life. As students, we sometimes fail to get gh scores in our exams. When we play games, we might be beaten by others. And there are times when we fail to do work well. All these failures happen naturally and almost every one of us has such experiences. However, there are different attitudes towards failure. Some people lose heart when they fail; they tnk the world is at its end. Some people don‘t take failure seriously but just let it be, wle some others learn much from failure, and therefore see the light of hope through failure. In my opinion, what is really important is not failure itself, but what we tnk of failure and what we do after failure. As long as we don‘t give up, keeping believing in ourselves, and at the same time learn sometng from failure, we‘ll certainly make our mark in the end. So I am never afraid of failure, for I believe that failure is not a bad tng. Rather, “Failure is the mother of success.
第2个回答  2009-04-01
Saving Lives
At a pre-med university in St. Louis, we had to take a difficult class in physics. One day the professor was discussing a particularly complicated concept. A student rudely interrupted to ask "Why do we have to learn this stuff?"

"To save lives." The professor responded quickly and continued the lecture. A few minutes later, the same student spoke up again. "So how does physics save lives?" he persisted. "It usually keeps the idiots like you out of medical school," replied the professor.

第3个回答  2009-03-28
双语名人演讲稿精选一 http://www.17xie.com/book-72229833.html

双语名人演讲稿精选二 http://www.17xie.com/read-111070.html

第4个回答  2009-03-27
I can do a presentation in English, but if you want me to translate it into Chinse, nah. too bothersome.