【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter16


第1个回答  2022-06-28

时光回溯,一名叫Lucy的女孩认识了Jefferson Hope,两人之间产生了爱的火花。但现实的残酷却让Lucy一定要嫁给摩门教徒。于是Lucy一家决定离开犹他州。


Young had told Ferrier that his daughter must marry either Mr. Drebber or Mr. Stangerson.
Drebber and Stangerson called on Ferrier, who told them that his daughter would never marry either of them.
The next day, he found painted on a door on his farm the number ‘28’—the number of days that he had left to decide whom his daughter should marry.
Each night a new and smaller number was painted somewhere on his farm.
Ferrier was powerless, and could see no way of avoiding the blow that was coming to himself and his daughter.

One night after the number ‘2’ had been painted on his house, Ferrier heard someone tapping very gently upon the door.
Was it some midnight killer? John Ferrier felt that instant death would be better than the doubt.
Springing forward, he threw the door open.
It was Jefferson Hope.
会不会是半夜杀手?John Ferrier觉得,与其这么想来想去,还是直接死的痛快。
门外的是 Jefferson Hope。

“Good God!” cried John Ferrier. “How you scared(吓到) me!”
“Give me food,” Jefferson said. “I have had no time for food for forty-eight hours.”
He threw himself upon the cold meat and bread which were still lying upon the table from his host’s supper, and ate it quickly.
“Is Lucy well?” he asked, when he had satisfied his hunger.
“Yes. She does not know the danger,” her father answered.
“That is well. The house is watched on every side.
They may be sharp(机警的), but they’re not quite sharp(机警的) enough to catch a hunter such as I.”
“娘咧!”John Ferrier低喊了一声,“你吓死我了!”
“给我点吃的,我已经48个小时没吃过一粒米了。” Jefferson 说着,就扑向了桌上还剩着的冰冷的肉和面包,开始狼吞虎咽。

John Ferrier felt a different man now that he realized that he had help.
He grabbed(抓住) the young man’s hand and shook it warmly.
“You’re a man to be proud of,” he said. “What are we to do?”
“Tomorrow is your last day, and unless you act tonight you are lost.
I have three horses waiting in the Eagle Ravine.
We must head for Carson City through the mountains.
You had better wake Lucy. It is just as well that the servants do not sleep in the house.”
John Ferrier感觉自己帮助的这个男人真是与众不同的有胆识。
“明天就是最后一天了,今晚上要是不行动那就没机会了。我在 Eagle Ravine(鹰谷)有三匹马。我们得连夜穿山越岭,往Carson 城走。你现在把Lucy叫起来把,仆人没在屋子里睡倒是方便了不少。”

The welcoming between the lovers was warm, but brief, for minutes were precious(宝贵的), and there was much to be done.
Opening the window very slowly and carefully, they waited until a dark cloud had somewhat obscured(模糊) the night, and then one by one passed through into the little garden.
Once on the high road they made rapid progress.
About the middle of the second day of their flight their food began to run out.

This gave Jefferson a little uneasiness(担忧).
Choosing a sheltered(可藏身的) corner, he stacked(堆) together a few dried branches and made a fire, at which his companions might warm themselves.
And he set out in search of food.
He walked for a couple of miles without any luck.
At last, after two or three hours of searching, he managed to find and shoot a big-horn(角) antelope(羚羊).
The creature was too large to lift, so Jefferson cut away one thigh(大腿) and part of the side.

With this food over his shoulder, he hurried to return to the others, for it was already getting dark.
When he turned the corner, he saw the spot where the fire had been.
There was still a glowing(发光) pile of wood ashes there, but it had evidently not been touched since his departure(离开).
There was no living creature near the fire: animals, man, girl, all were gone.
It was only too clear that some sudden and terrible disaster had occurred during his absence.

Then his eye fell upon an object which made his blood run cold.
It was a newly-dug grave(坟墓) with a cross over it. The writing on the cross was brief, but to the point:
Died August 4th, 1860.

Jefferson Hope looked wildly round to see if there was a second grave(坟墓), but there was no sign of one.
Lucy had been carried back by the Mormons to accomplish(履行) her original destiny(命运) as a wife of a member of the Church.
As the young fellow realized the certainty of her fate(命运), and his own inability to prevent it, he wished that he, too, was lying with the old farmer.
However, his active spirit shook off the lethargy(倦怠) which sprang from despair(绝望).
If there was nothing else left to him, he could at least devote his life to revenge(复仇).
Jefferson Hope又环绕了一周,看看还有没有第二个坟墓,不过没有了。看来Lucy是被抓回去履行她的命运嫁给一位摩门教徒了。

He heard from a Mormon acquaintance(熟人) that Lucy was now married to Drebber, but that she was so sick that no one expected her to survive.
She died within a month.
Jefferson was just in time to attend(参加) the funeral preparations, and to take the wedding(结婚) ring so that she would not be buried with it.

Drebber and Stangerson had left Utah, and no one knew where they had gone.
With the small amount of money he had, plus whatever he could earn along the way, Jefferson Hope travelled from town to town in search of his enemies.
Year passed into year, his black hair turned grey and his health failed, but still he searched on, a human bloodhound(猎犬), with his mind wholly set upon the one object of revenge(复仇) to which he had devoted his life.
He almost caught up with Drebber in Cleveland, Ohio, but Drebber and Stangerson (who had become Drebber’s private secretary) had him arrested(逮捕).
后来,Drebber 和 Stangerson 离开了Utah(犹他州),没人知道他们去了哪里。
在Ohio(俄亥俄州)的Cleveland(克利夫兰),他差点就抓到了Drebber。但是,他因为 Drebber 和 Stangerson (现在已经是Drebber的秘书)被抓了。

By the time Jefferson Hope was free, his enemies had left for Europe.
Jefferson followed them there, and tracked his enemies from city to city.
When he reached St. Petersburg, they had left for Paris; and when he followed them there, he learned that they had just set off for Copenhagen(哥本哈根).
At the Danish(丹麦的) capital he was again a few days late, for they had left for London, where he found them at last.
当他到达 Petersburg街的时候,他们已经离开去了巴黎;当他跟着到了巴黎,他们又已经去了哥本哈根。
