

第1个回答  2022-11-04

  1. A glass is used for ________drink water.

  2. What is the most use invention in the world?

  3. Do you know the heat ice cream scoop?

  4.This kind of bicycle was invent by a middle school student.

  5.What do you think of these invent?


  1. The cars _________make in Shanghai in 2002.

  2. Do you know when that tall building _________build?

  3. We __________tell not to play puter games on weekdays.

  4. The project _________finish next month.

  5. The young man was seen _________get on a bus just now.


  1. I sent a letter to you last month.

  2. Do we use it for cooking?

  3. Where did you build the bridge?

  4. Mother tells me a story every day.

  5. Can he finish his homework on time?


  1. Quite a lot of housework were given to us last weekend. ___________

  2. Newspapers read every day at home, in offices and on trains. ___________

  3. Radio is listened by millions of people every day. ___________

  4. An English speech will give to the children tomorrow. ___________

  5. I have a lot of chores to be done today. ___________

  Ⅴ. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。有两项多余

  A. It can hardly be seen in China now.

  B. Then the water could be brought up.

  C. It was invented many years ago.

  D. Usually two people stood on it.

  E. It was used for getting water.

  F. It’s an old machine.

  G. What was it used for?

  A: What’s that?

  B: 1_________

  A: When was it invented?

  B: 2_________

  A: How did it work?

  B: 3_________ They pushed the pedals 踏板 down hard with their feet. 4_________

  A: What was it made of?

  B: It was made of wood. 5_________

  A: Yes, I never saw such a machine before.

  Section B & Self check

  Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。

  1. I’d like to have two apple p________.

  2. Boys, stop t_______ stones at the poor dog.

  3. The dish Mom cooked p_________ a nice *** ell.

  4. One c_________ means a hundred years.

  5. In a_________ times, it was hard for people to travel around.


  1. ___________根据 the weather forecast, there will be rain in most parts of China.

  2. Yesterday I took Jenny’s dictionary home ____________错误地.

  3. Boys and girls, be careful enough not to____________落入 the lake.

  4. In our free time, I taught her Chinese and she taught me English. ___________用这种方式, both of us learned a lot.

  5. — Why did you e home so late this afternoon?

  — I met one of my old friends in the street _____________意外地 and we had a long talk.


  1. 他一直等到我回来。

  He waited _________________.

  2. 双筒望远镜是在十九世纪在义大利被发明的。

  The binoculars were invented in _________________ in Italy.

  3. 她工作很努力,最后成功了。

  She worked hard and succeeded _______________.

  4. 那种玻璃杯容易碎。

  That kind of glass __________________.

  5. 这个孤儿将由一位女士照看。

  This orphan __________________ by a lady.



  1. The knife is made of _________金属.

  2. Walter Elias Disney _________创作 lots of cartoon characters.

  3. Shall I write my answer above or _________在……下面 the line?

  4. While he was walking ________朝着 me, I said hello to him.

  5. I _________敲 at the door, but there was no answer.


  1. At her birthday party, several ________basket of fruit were eaten.

  2. The price of coffee has _________rise by ten cents.

  3. The room is full of ________wood furniture 家俱.

  4. Chicago _________develop into a big city in the late 1800s.

  5. Dad was so tired that he fell asleep while ________read the newspaper.


  1. 我们被分成了两个小组。

  We ________ ________ _________ two groups.

  2. 许多年轻人都梦想成为NBA球员。

  Many young men ________ _________ ________ NBA players.

  3. 众所周知,太阳从东方升起,西边落下。

  As we all know, the sun ________ ________ ________ _______ and sets in the west.

  4. 这个游泳俱乐部的女会员的数量有所增长。

  The number of women members of this swim club ________ ________.

  5. 我不了解这所学校,但据说是一所非常好的学校。

  I don’t know much of the school, but ________ ________ ________ _______ it’s quite a good one.

  Ⅳ. 根据课文内容,完成下列任务。

  A. 完成下列表格,每空词数不限。

  Information about basketball

  In China, basketball 1______________ by many, for fun and exercise.

  Basketball was invented by James Nai *** ith who was a 2______________.

  The first basketball game in history was played on Dec. 21st, 3______________.

  In 1936 in Berlin, basketball game became an 4______________.

  Now basketball has bee a more 5______________ sport for people to watch worldwide.

  B. 判断下列句子的正T误F。

   1. Basketball was invented in 1861.

   2. Dr Nai *** ith created the basketball game which was played indoors at first.

   3. Dr Nai *** ith divided all his clas *** ates into two teams to play his new game.

   4. Dr Nai *** ith used the backboard to help the players put the ball into the basket.

   5. Till now, there haven’t been any Chinese basketball players in NBA.

  C. 回答下列问题。

  1. How many years does the sport of basketball have a history of?


  2. Where can basketball be played?


  3. Can you say something about the aim of basketball?


  4. Is playing basketball dangerous? Why?


  5. What is the text mainly about?

  Section A

  Ⅰ. 1. drinking 2. useful 3. heated 4. invented 5. inventions

  Ⅱ. 1. were made 2. was built 3. are told 4. will be finished 5. to get

  Ⅲ.1. A letter was sent to you last month.

  2. Is it used for cooking by us?

  3. Where was the bridge built by you?

  4. I’m told a story by Mother every day. / A story is told to me by Mother every day.

  5. Can his homework be finished today?

  Ⅳ.1. were → was 2. read 前加 are 3. listened 后加 to

  4. give → be given 5. to be done → to do

  Ⅴ. 1-5 FCDBA

  Section B & Self check

  Ⅰ.1. pies 2. throwing 3 . produced 4. century 5. ancient

  Ⅱ.1. According to 2. by mistake 3. fall into 4. In this way 5. by accident

  Ⅲ.1.until I came back

  2. the nineteenth century

  3. in the end

  4. is easily broken

  5. will be taken care of


  Ⅰ. 1. metal 2. created 3. below 4. towards 5. knocked

  Ⅱ.1. baskets 2. risen 3. wooden 4. developed 5. reading

  Ⅲ.1. were divided into 2. dream of being

  3. rises in the east 4. has increased 5. it is said that

  Ⅳ.A. 1. is enjoyed 2. Canadian doctor

  3. 1891 4. Olympic event 5. popular

  B. 1-5 FTFTF

  C. 1. It has a history of more than a hundred years.

  2. It can be played in parks, schools, and even in factories.

  3. The aim of basketball is for players to try to get a ball into the basket.

  4. Yes, because knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.

  5. The history of basketball.