

第1个回答  2022-06-02

二、听的题目是: 如何知道你真正想要的是什么



We kidnap ourselves from the lives that we actually want.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

2.Make a “you-turn”(“华丽”转身)

The decision to get out of fear and come back to yourself.

(1)Do a self audit(自省)

Be honest to yourself,where are you holding yourself captive.


(2)Follow your freedom / Follow what feels good(从心)

Paying attention to what feels good to you,your body is a messenger and it’s constantly giving you feedback.

(3)to engage(体验)

Clarity comes from engagement,it does not comes from thought.


3.Joy journal(快乐笔记)

Take note of if there’s any patterns in your inspiration

You can have “Confidence journal”,“Grateful journal” as well






1.Where am I kidnaping myself from the life that I really want?

2.How am I giving away my power getting into fear,just to meet my needs in the world?

3.I invite you to see your career as an experiment that really meets you where you are,a vehicle for your own self-expression.

4. Pain is often a trampoline that will launch us into our next stage of life


5.Perfectionism is a mask that we all wear when we’re afraid of failure

6.Tap into what's deeply true for you,seeing things as they are

7.who you are at age 25 isn't going to be who you are at age 30,and it certainly  isn't going to be who you are at age 40