
1. The golden weeks, have caused so many problems and some of them might be canceled. Do you support this move? Why?
2. Many Chinese people belive that going to university is the only way to a brighter future, Do you agree with them? Is there any way to a brighter future for young people?
3. Today, many parents send their teenage children to study abroad. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for teenagers studying abroad?

第1个回答  2009-04-06
1.yes,in my opinion,golden weeks have caused so many traffic problems.well,a large mumber of people perfer to hang out with friends or traval with their families in gold weeks.you know,it is a a rare opportunity to have fun.but the traffic system is weak in china,i consider it is the main reason to cancel golden weeks.
2.i am afrid i am not agree with them,there are million ways to a brighter future.as we all know,people have been encouraged to establish business in resent mounthes.and an increasing number of people succeed by doing pioneering work.
3.children can broden horizon and shape their character if they stuy abroad.and at the same time,the disadvantages are remakbale.without parental supervision,chilren can go astry easily.
第2个回答  2009-04-06

1. I believe that the so-called "golden weeks" refers to the relative-long-term-breaks. With respect to the cancellation of them, my opinion would be that the action in question is unnecessary. In the time when these breaks exist, the citizen plan have time to be around and, therefore, enhance the improvement of the economy. After the cancellation, the economy shall be pulled off due to the citizen can do nothing other than saving their wage.

2. The issue is that how do people define a "brighter future." The answer of the question is that I reckon the people in China, who is in quetion, have misunderstanding in the aspect of "brighter future". Going to the universities is not the only way that leads to the brighter future for Chinese teenages. As one can see from the developed countires, majority of their public decide their futhre in accordance with their interests while the education resoure of the develop countries is much richer than P.R. China. The problem in P.R. China is the excessive admiration of study, which emerged from history.

3. Studying aboard has nothing more than wasting the precious money.
第3个回答  2009-04-05
1 No, indeed there are problems, but i think we should not cancel it since it foster the economics and the employers can get relax to get energy for the following work.

2 No, as long as they have interests in a field and set up goals then head for it, certainly they can make it. Going to the university is not the only way to success.

3 The advantages are they can forge their ability to live alone, be independent, to handle all kinds of situations good ones and bad ones, beside this, they can also know more about the western culture and life in many aspects. The disadvantage is since they are not familiar with the local environment, the lauguanges and they are very young, sometimes, they will feel lost and lonely.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-04-05
No, though the golden weeks have caused so many problems I think it's a good way to relax myself,so I don't support this move.

I don't agree with them.Because there are many ways to have a brighter future , for example work as hard as you can . I believe that everyone can get a bright future if they try their best to do their own job.

I think the advantages for their children are they can prectice speaking Enlish and know how to live alone,the disadvantage is the parents can't know if this way is good to their children !
第5个回答  2009-04-05
1 I do not support to cancel them.Because the Golden week might bring rich income to us.In current economic crisis,which can benefit our country.

2 I agree the idea.Maybe there are many way to us,but we have to cross the college bridge firstly if we want to walk on the ways.

3 I think there are advantages and disadvantages.Children study abroad is benefical to learn foreign culture and language,but they also leave national systemic education.Whether they can adapt to the strange surrounding is also a serious problem.