Let 和Lets私分别


第1个回答  2022-11-03
英文中是有 Lets 这个字. 当 third person
是 singular (单数)
e.g. he
Mary. boy. girl
用Present Simple tense
let是 main verb. let后面要加 +s. He lets me do it. She lets the spare room. 当subject 是 first person
second person 或 third person plural (e.g. they
是用Present Simple tense
let是main verb
let 后面不用加 s. I let him go. You let him go. They let him go. let
letting (present participle)
let (past tense)
let (past participle) Let 的 past tense 和 past participle 都是 let 用 let 其中一个format: Format:- let(s) + someone + do something (infinitive without “to”) let(s) + someone + intritive verb (infinitive without “to”) 这是主要分别 He lets her go. (Present simple tense) He let her go. (Past simple tense) Let can also mean to allow someone to live in the house or apartment in return for money. 出租 let’s = short form of “let us”
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首先你要知道英文中并没有 Lets 这个字。它应该是 Let’s = Let us 。所以用途是一样的!请看以下例子:1) Let me explain to you.2) Let us (= Let’s) explain to you.