

第1个回答  2012-03-04
英语动物小故事1.A Hungry Tiger2.A Stupid Lion3.The Lion and the Fox!4.A Clever Hare5.A Wolf and a Sheep6.Three Turtles7.The Lion and the Mouse8.The Country Mouse and the City Mouse9.The Cat and the Bell10.Two Goats11.Why Dogs Chase Cats?12.The F0x and the Cock13.Camel14.An Ant and a Bird15.The Story of the Bat16.The Lark and the Farmer英语家庭小故事1.Peter's Feet2.Playing in the Water3.I Want to Be a Dustman4.Two Pills and One Pill5.Funny Questions6. Bad Luck7. Excuse8. John and Grandpa9. Run Home10. The Return Ticket11. Better Late Than Never12. A Pair of Different Socks13. Who Is Much Deafer?14. Part-time Job15. A Picture of Her Husband16. Bring the Mouse Out17. Only One Light18. A Woman Who Likes Talking19. The Wrong Dog20. Which Month He Go Away?21. Lucky Mother22. Careless Mr Jenkins英语校园小故事1. The Biggest Lie2. Only I Answer the Question3. The Story in the Fool's Day4. Give Me a Five5. You Can't Say6. The History of English7. Am Glad8. What Question?9. The Importance Commas10. At a History Class11. You'd Better Ask the Dentist12. A Pair of Glasses13. Bank14. It Is Wonderful英语幽默小故事1. Not All of It2. Two Glasses of Beer3. A Model or a Robot?4. Fright5. A Farmer Died6. But I Can't See Them7. Chief Is at a Wedding8. I Forgot to Call You9. A Big Camel10. Double Images11. Open or Close?12. Don't Understand13. It Doesn't Work英语机智小故事1. A Clever Servant2. Lift Your Right Arm3. Haircut4. The Bowl and the Cat5. He Is the Manager6. You Are Becoming Clever7. Lose Weight8. Who Was the Thief?英语生活小故事1. My Wife Doesn't Lay Eggs2. Mr White and Mr Black3. Seeing Eye Dog4. In Nose5. Know Nothing6. I Had to Slap His Wife7. Where Is Her Ticket?英语人物小故事1. Robinson on an Island2. Poor Balzac3. Helen Keller4. King of Inventions5. The Biggest Waste6. Edison Forgot His Own Name7. he Secret of Success8. Einstein and His Driver9. Forgetful Mark Twain10. The Lady of the Lamp