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通过这次英语演讲,我认识到了说好英语的重要性。这不仅对我们自身有很大的帮助,而且对孩子也是一种负责的表现。通过模仿学习地道的英语,有助于我掌握英语口语的技巧,有助于在口语和写作上用到正确的英语。 英语学习者掌握好一种语言,不只意味着词汇量大、语音漂亮、和语法熟练,更重要的是在各种场合的交流中能清楚、流畅地表达自己的想法,还要有力地证明自己的观点,做一个“responsible listener and critical thinker! ”

第1个回答  2011-04-18
The participation in this English speeches let me recognize the importance of speaking good English. Not only was it beneficial to us, but also a responsible display to the children. By the imitative learning of real English, it has helped me to master the skill of spoken English and the application of correct oral and written English. If an English learner can master the language well, he will have not only a large vocabulary, nice pronunciation and proficient grammar, but more importantly, he can express himself clearly and smoothly, as well as be able to prove his viewpoint during exchanges in various kinds of occasions, to be a responsible listener and critical thinker!
At the same time, we had also studied many famous foreign literary works; all these works have survived the passage of time. And from the knowledge of these books, we could understand their history, culture, life and economy, and get to better understand the language of English.

第2个回答  2017-12-18
According to the English speech, I realized the importance of learning English. This is not only very useful for me, but also a sort of responsibility for our kids. Learning idiomatic English by imitation, which is helpful for me to hand the skill of oral English, and also helpful for using right English on speaking and writing. Study English well, not only means wide vecabulary, beautiful sound and skillful grammar, the most important is can express your idea clearly and fluently, and also supprot your point strongly, to do a "responsible listener and critical thinker! ”. Meanwhile we have studied lots of foreign masterpieces, which is handed down against the test of time. By reading them,we can learn their history, culture, live, economy, etc, and then we will understand the language better.
第3个回答  2011-04-18
Through the English speech, I realized the importance of spoken English. It is not only good for us own, but also a responsibility on the child's performance. Learning by imitation authentic English help me to master spoken English skills and also help in speaking and writing English correctly. English learners to master a language, not only means that the large vocabulary, beautiful voice and grammar proficiency, more importantly, express their own ideas clearly,smoothly on various occasions , but also prove their view powerfully,be a "responsible listener and critical thinker!"
We learned many foreign classics in the same, these are all handed down after the test of time .Through these books, we can understand their history, culture, biochemical economic and so on,then understand the language of English better.