
1. Open the door for __________ (I, me) please.
2. Catch __________ (he, him)! He’s a thief.
3.I love Mickey very much. What about __________ (you, your)?
4.__________ (They, Them) are my classmates.
5.Look at __________ (they, them). They are drawing pictures.
6.Are these oranges __________ (their, theirs)?
7.The blue bike is __________ (her, his), not mine.
8.Look at the car. __________ (It’s, Its) colour is black.
9.Your bags are green __________ (their, theirs) are yellow.
10.Their school is in the country. __________ (Our, Ours) school is in the city.
1. Look! The cat ________ (get) down from the tree.
Yes , it _________ (get) down slowly.
2. He usually _______ (do) some reading in the evening.
3. The children __________ (can ride) bikes.
4. _________ Mike ________ (make) a kite yesterday evening?
No , he _________. He ________ (go) to see a film.
5. A: ________the students __________(visit) the museum tomorrow?
B: No , they __________. They ________(visit) the farm.
6. A: Where ______ you ___________(live) five years ago ?
B: I _________(live) in Shanghai.
Zhang Ling usually __________ up early in the morning. Then she __________ breakfast. At about seven she __________ to school __________ foot. Her school is near her home. She usually __________ to school at a __________ past seven. In the morning she __________ four classes and in the afternoon she __________ __________ two classes. Zhang Ling often __________ sports with her friends after school. Sometimes she __________ books at the library. She seldom ___________ TV in the evening. Usually she __________ her homework. She __________ to bed at about ten.

第1个回答  2011-06-04
二、1、is getting\gets 2、do 3、did\make 4、didn't\went 5、Will\visit \ won't \will visit 6、did\you\lived
三、gets \has \goes \on\reach \quarter \has \stiil \has \ do \reads \watches \does \goes
第2个回答  2011-06-04
1 me
2 him
3 you
4 They
5 them
6 theirs
7 his
8 Its
9 theirs
10 our本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-06-09

is getting,is getting. does. can ride.did make didn't went. will visit, won't, will visit. did live,lived

gets makes goes on goes quarter has only has plays reads watches does goes
第4个回答  2011-06-04

is getting,is getting. does. can ride.did make didn't went. will visit, won't, will visit. did live,lived

gets makes goes on goes quarter has only has plays reads watches does goes

第5个回答  2011-06-04
me him you they them theirs his its theirs our
is getting gets does can ride Did make didn't went Will visit won't visit did live lived
gets eats goes on goes half has only has plays reads watches does goes