英语作文:假设你是李华,你的笔友对你的家乡三亚很感兴趣,请回信: 地理位置 海景 著名景点


亲爱的笔友、你好!听说你对我的家乡三亚很感兴趣!那么我就个你介绍一下我的家乡.三亚地处中国海南省,是著名的海滨旅游城市;三亚四季如夏,以美丽的海景而闻名.著名的景色有天涯海角和大东海. 欢迎你来三亚、祝你玩的愉快. Dear pen pal, Hello! I heard that you are interested in Sanya, my hometown! Then I would one introduce you to my home.located in Sanya, Hainan Province, China, is a famous seaside tourist city; seasons such as summer Sanya, known for its beautiful sea view with . well-known corners of the earth and the East China Sea.Welcome to Sanya, I wish you have fun.