求英文翻译!急!!! 中文:北京海淀区西直门北大街56号生命人寿大厦8层 做名片用 不要在线翻译 要专业的

坐等 着急 谢谢

第1个回答  2011-07-08
North Street, Haidian District, Beijing Xizhimen Life Tower 56 floor 8
第2个回答  2011-07-08
第3个回答  2011-07-08
Beijing Haidian District Xizhimen 56 North Main Street Life Building 8 layer本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第4个回答  2011-07-09
Life is a river
Carving its path
Across the world
At times flowing
Smoothly and calmly
At other times
Turbulent and stormy
But always flowing
Forward along its path
Toward its goal