

第1个回答  2011-03-06
What's wrong with you(没有the)
What's the matter with you(必须加the)
What's the trouble with you/What's your trouble(要加修饰成分,如the,指示代词等)
What happend to you(这句话说法比较口语,如果用完成时态是What has happened to you,也可以说What is happend to you)
what's up to you/What's up(这句话除了问你怎么了以外还有一种意思就是“最近怎样",是旧友打招呼用的哦)
what is it with you(这句话的it有多种指代,所以他的语气有的时候像是责问:”你TMD到底怎么回事“不过也有其他的语气哦)
What seems to be the matter是完全可以的,可以把matter换成trouble,意思也是”出了什么事“,”你怎么了“的意思
第2个回答  2011-03-06
1.What is the matter with you?
2.What happened to you?
3.what is it with you?
4.what's wrong with you ?
5.what's the matter ?
6.What seems to be the matter?

第3个回答  2011-03-06
What is wrong with you?
What is trouble with you?
What is up to you?
What is matter?
What happened to you?
What is with you?本回答被网友采纳