
The Tour de France
Hello, every one, As you know, I am interested in sports very much. So today, I’d like to introduce the most famous cycling race which is called “The Tour de France”.
I wander if you have heard such a sentence before:” the government could fall, the Louvre could be broken into, or aliens could land on Earth, but if any of these things happened during the Tour de France, no one would notice.” Indeed, every year in July, when the Tour de France hold in France or its neighboring countries, including, Belgium, Italy,thousands of French will stand around the route to watch the race.And also at that time, most of the mass media will report about it.And the Chinese channel CCTV-5 also will relay it.
If you read the passage of the tour de France on book <reading advantage>,I think you must have caught on the rules of the tour de France,I think I needn’t to repeat it again. As you know,the highest honor is “yellow jersey”Henry Desgranges,the founder of the race,introduce the yellow jersey in 1919 to show the leading racer each year of the tour de France.Every year, the fastest overall cyclist up to that time will wears yellow jersey.And other honors,for example,the “green jersey “is given to the best sprinter,the “polka dot jersey,”a white jersey with red dots,for the best rider in the mountain along the route.And the “white jersey “ is for the best racer who is the first time to take part in the Tour de France.
Now, let see the Champions of the tour de France from 1990-2006. Le Monde the champion of 1990,from the United States. Indurain,the champion from 1991-1995, Biarne Riis, Ullrich,and Pantani Is the champions of 1996,1997,and 1998 respectively. And Armstrong had been the champion for 7years until 2005.The recent champion is the American racer Landis of last year.But many fans of the tour de France don’t think he is the really winner.Do you know the reason?If you don’t know,no problem.
first,let’s see the introduction of him. Floyd Landis is born in American Lancaster on October 14, 1975.From his result of the tour de France,we can see he becomes better and better.In 2006,he win the race finally.But,on July 27,some media reported that his stimulant examination result is unqualified.
So any way,the spirit of sports is the most important thing.If you are interested in the Tour de France just like me.You can watch the race on CCTV-5 in the summer vacation,and maybe in the race of this year, you can see a Chinese racer.
Thank you for your listening.

The Tour de France
Hello, every one, As you know, I am interested in sports very much. So today, I’d like to introduce the most famous cycling race which is called “The Tour de France”to all of you.
I wonder if you have heard such a sentence before:" a government could fall, the Louvre could be broken into, or aliens could land on Earth, but if any of these things happened during the Tour de France, no one would notice them." Indeed, every year in July, when the Tour de France is held in France or its neighboring countries like Belgium and Italy,tens of thousands of French people will stand around the route to watch the race.Also at that time, most of the mass media will report it.And such exciting programme is relayed to Chinese people through CCTV-5 .
If you have read something about the tour de France from books <reading advantage>, you must have caught on the rules of the tour de France,which is not necessary for me to repeat. As you know,the highest honor is “yellow jersey”Henry Desgranges,the founder of the race.It was him that introduced the yellow jersey in 1919 to show the leading racer each year of the tour de France.Every year, the fastest overall cyclist up to that time will wear yellow jersey.And other honors,for example,the “green jersey “is given to the best sprinter,the “polka dot jersey,”a white jersey with red dots,for the best rider in the mountain along the route.And the “white jersey “ is for the best racer who takes part in the Tour de France for the first time .
The following are the Champions of the tour de France from 1990 to 2006. Le Monde the champion of 1990,the United States.
Indurain,the champion from 1991-1995, Biarne Riis, Ullrich,and Pantani, the champions of 1996,1997,and 1998 respectively. And Armstrong had been the champion for 7years until 2005.
The recent champion is the American racer Landis of last year.But many fans of the tour de France don’t view he as the really winner.Do you know the reason?let me show you.
first,let’s see the introduction of him. Floyd Landis was born in American Lancaster on October 14, 1975.From his result of the tour de France,we know he becomes better.In 2006,he won the race finally.
however,on July 27,it was reported that his stimulant test result showed that he was cheating in the competiton.
I have to say that the spirit of sports is the most important thing.
If you are interested in the Tour de France just like me,just watch the race on CCTV-5 in the summer vacation.maybe we can see a Chinese racer in the race this year.
Thank you for your listening.
第1个回答  2007-03-03
The Tour de France
Hello, every one, As you know, I am interested in sporting very much. So today, I’d like to introduce the most famous cycling race which is called “The Tour de France”.
I think that you need hear such a sentence :” the government could fall, the Louvre could be broken into, or aliens could land on Earth, but if any of these things happened during the Tour de France, no one would notice.” Indeed, every year in July, when the Tour de France hold in France or its neighboring countries, including, Belgium, Italy,thousands of French will stand around the route to watch the race.And also at that time, most of the mass media will report it.And the Chinese channel CCTV-5 also will relay it.
If you read the passage of the tour de France on book <reading advantage>,I think you must have caught on the rules of the tour de France,I think I needn’t to repeat it again. As you know,the highest honor is “yellow jersey”Henry Desgranges,the founder of the race,introduce the yellow jersey in 1919 to show the leading racer each year of the tour de France.Every year, the fastest overall cyclist up to that time will wears yellow jersey.And other honors,for example,the “green jersey “is given to the best sprinter,the “polka dot jersey,”a white jersey with red dots,for the best rider in the mountain along the route.And the “white jersey “ is for the best racer who is the first time to take part in the Tour de France.
Now, let see the Champions of the tour de France from 1990-2006. Le Monde the champion of 1990,from the United States. Indurain,the champion from 1991-1995, Biarne Riis, Ullrich,and Pantani Is the champions of 1996,1997,and 1998 respectively. And Armstrong had been the champion for 7years until 2005.The recent champion is the American racer Landis of last year.But many fans of the tour de France don’t think he is the really winner.Do you know the reason?If you don’t know,no problem.
first,let’s see the introduction of him. Floyd Landis is born in American Lancaster on October 14, 1975.From his result of the tour de France,we can see he becomes better and better.In 2006,he win the race finally.But,on July 27,some media reported that his stimulant examination result is unqualified.
So any way,the spirit of sports is the most important thing.If you are interested in the Tour de France just like me.You can watch the race on CCTV-5 in the summer vacation,and maybe in the race of this year, you can see a Chinese racer.
Thank you for your listening.
第2个回答  2007-03-03