

第1个回答  2022-07-05
走过的路,追过的风,你是我再没可能完成的梦。The road I have traveled, the wind I have chased, you are my dream that I can never finish again.

最好不是在夕阳西下的时候幻想什么,而要在旭东升的时候即投入工作。It is best not to fantasize about anything when the sun sets, but to put into work when Xudong rises.


爱情的定义,简单到不能再简单 只要和你在一起就好。附加的形容词越多,离它的本意就越远。The definition of love is too simple to be with you. The more adjectives you attach, the farther away you are from its original meaning.

我梦见我们在一起了做过许多梦,这是第一个一醒来就能知道是在做梦的梦。I dreamed that we were together and had many dreams. This is the first dream that we can know that we are dreaming when we wake up.

别想的太偏激,有时候一个人看起来不那么爱你,其实可能是因为他不知道怎么去爱你。Don't be too extreme. Sometimes a person doesn't seem to love you so much, but it may be because he doesn't know how to love you.

如果什么事都可以原谅,世界上就不会有眼泪了。If everything can be forgiven, there will be no tears in the world.

最贴切的话语不过如此、你陪我度过青春,我陪你慢慢变老,于茶亦是如此。The most apt words are just like this. You spend your youth with me, I grow old with you, and the same is true for tea.

有那么一瞬间,因为一个人的一句话,就像被泼了一盆凉水一样,唰的一下,从头冷到脚!For a moment, because a person's words, like being poured a pot of cold water, swish, cold from head to foot!

海,真的海,同北方高原那片苍茫的土地一样,凝聚着一种无法言说的神秘的生命力。The sea, the real sea, like the vast land in the northern plateau, embodies an unspeakable mysterious vitality.