

第1个回答  2022-06-05






   农场的相关 短语

  内容农场 Content farm ; Ferme de contenus ; content farm

  农场动物 Farm Animals ; Farm animals - miscellaneous ; Farm Animal ; farm animals

  心跳农场 Funky Farm ; Funky Fprepare

  链接农场 link farm

  丰收农场 Country Harvest ; Rich Harvest Farms

  渲染农场 Renderfarm ; rendering farm ; Render Farms ; renderfarm


  1. Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.


  2. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm.


  3. I came to live at the farm by happenstance.


  4. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.


  5. You lived on the farm until you came back to America?


  6. In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares.


  7. They had to buy everything at inflated prices at the ranch store.


  8. Many farms are jumping on the bandwagon and advertising organically grown food.


  9. Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.


  10. The farm is open to the public only during two open-house weekends.


  11. European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.


  12. They now own and operate a farm 50 miles south of Rochester.


  13. Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg.


  14. Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.


  15. Our man had wisely decided to be picked up at the farm.


  Our ancestors developed agriculture about twelve thousand years ago. As they harvested the first crops, they undoubtedly congratulated themselves on their cleverness—after all, cultivation is far more efficient than hunting and gathering. Little did they know, however, that humans were not the Earth's first farmers. Certain species of ant have been practicing agriculture for millions of years.


  我们的祖先早在12000年前就开始发展农业了。想必在收获第一批粮食时,他们一定为自己的聪明才智好好庆祝了一番,毕竟耕种比打猎和采集更有效率。然而,殊不知人类并不是地球上第一群农民。某些种类的蚂蚁已有上百万年的耕种 经验 了。

  One example is the parasol ant of South America. The workers of this species clip large quantities of leaves from the forest and bring them back to the nest. These leaves are not eaten by the ants, but buried in a huge complex of underground chambers. As the leaves turn to compost, the ants seed them with their favorite type of fungus. They tend this fungus crop with great care, even weeding it to get rid of less desirable species. After a while, the fungus is harvested and eaten.


  Planting and harvesting is one thing, but what would a real farm be without farm animals? Actually, humans are second to ants in this respect too. Several species of ant domesticate a kind of insect called an aphid. Aphids are good at sucking nutritious juice out of plants. In fact, they're so good at it that they often suck out more than they can digest. The extra juice is secreted out the back of the aphid, where an ant can milk it like a farmer milking a cow.

   种植 和收获是一回事,但是没有家畜的话还算是农场吗?实际上在这方面,人类也是仅次于蚂蚁。蚂蚁驯养的几种动物中有一种就是蚜虫。蚜虫善于吸食植物的营养汁液。因为它们太擅长,以至于吸食过多不能被消化的汁液。多余的汁液储藏在蚜虫后背上,蚂蚁就可以像农夫挤牛奶一样挤出汁液。

  This is a symbiotic relationship, and in exchange for the nutritious juice the ants protect their aphid flocks from predators. Some species even bring the aphids' eggs into the safety of their own nest, and feed the aphid young until they are ready for grazing.

  这是一种共栖关系,作为交换,蚂蚁保护蚜虫群不受猎食者的侵害。一些蚂蚁群甚至会把蚜虫卵带回安全的蚁巢, 饲养 幼小的蚜虫直至它们能够啃食绿叶。


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