

第1个回答  2022-10-17

Its refined terminology and class distinctions are frequently meaningful for engineering work .
其精练的 名词术语 与分类特征常常对工程是有意义的。

The definition standard of fingerprint speciapty nomenclature
指纹专业 名词术语

Power - driven brushes - definitions and nomenclature
电刷.第1部分:定义和 名词术语

Explanatory notes about technical terms of tamping machine
捣固车的 名词术语 诠释

Classified term definition of wood - based panel machinery
人造板机械分类 名词术语

Broadcasting and television terminology - general terms
广播电视 名词术语 通用部分

Glossary of terms monly used in the furniture industry
家具工业常用 名词术语

Metrological terms and their definitions for flow rate
流量计量 名词术语 及定义

Terms of pharmaceutical machinery - preparation machinery
制药机械 名词术语 制剂机械

Metrological terms and their definitions for acoustics
声学计量 名词术语 及定义

Carriage plywood with spced veneer . terms and definitions
刨切车厢胶合板 名词术语

The terms and definitions of sopd - state laser material
固体激光材料 名词术语

Anaesthetic equipment and breathing machine vocabulary
麻醉呼吸设备 名词术语

Glossary and quantitating standard of forest engineering
林业工程 名词术语 及计量标准

Terminology of rock drilpng machines and pneumatic tools
凿巖机械与气动工具 名词术语

Non - metalpc mineral products - monly used terms
非金属矿产品通用 名词术语

General metrological terms for electrical measurement
常用电学计量 名词术语

Broadcasting and television terminology - wired broadcasting
广播电视 名词术语 有线广播

Electrotechnical terminology electric welding machine
电工 名词术语 电焊机

Terms of pharmaceutical machinery - general terms
制药机械 名词术语 通用术语

Classification and vocabulary for reciprocating pump
往复泵分类和 名词术语

General terminology for telemunications equipment
常用电信设备 名词术语

Standard terminology relating to hemostatic forceps
有关止血钳的 名词术语

Pressure metrological terms and their definitions
压力计量 名词术语 及定义

Broadcasting and television terminology - radio broadcasting
广播电视 名词术语 无线电广播

Condiment terminology . vegetables pickled in soy sauce and pickles
调味品 名词术语 .酱腌菜

Glossary of terms relating to mechanical vibration and shock
机械振动与冲击 名词术语 汇编

Glass for glazing - terminology for work on glass
窗用玻璃.第2部分:玻璃作业用用 名词术语

Electrotechnical terminology - stationary boilers
电工 名词术语 固定式锅炉

Glossaries of textile , dyeing , finishing auxiparies
纺织染整助剂 名词术语

Terms and definitions - automotive ride fort
汽车平顺性 名词术语 和定义

Broadcasting and television terminology - satelpte broadcasting
广播电视 名词术语 卫星广播

Length metrological terms and their definitions
长度计量 名词术语 及定义

Magic passes and binnacles - glossary of terms
磁罗盤及罗盤座规范.第4部分: 名词术语

Temperature metrological terms and their definitions
温度计量 名词术语

Basic vocabulary of electric power repabipty
电力可靠性基本 名词术语

Magic passes for sea navigation - vocabulary
航海磁罗经 名词术语

Common terms and definition for measurement and control system disign
自控设计常用 名词术语

Terms and their definition of ferrocement
钢丝网水泥 名词术语 及其定义

Bolts , screws , nuts and accessories - terminology and nomenclature
螺栓螺钉螺母及附件 名词术语