
情景设定是You are a teacher.You give a student a low grade on her paper and she become very angry and argues with you 。

第1个回答  2007-07-01
Alice is the student and Ms. Walsh the teacher.

Alice: "Ms. Walsh, I do not think it fair for me to not even get a pass on my paper. I compared my answers with many of my classmates and I deserve at least a 75% score, if not better. Can you please explain to me where I went wrong?"
Ms. Walsh: "Alice, I have gone through your paper in detail and my comments are clearly marked. Why are you still not satisfied?"
Alice: "I checked question 2 for example, my answer is similar to what John wrote, however, I only got half the mark!"
Ms. Walsh: "Well, similar does not mean exactly equal! In any case, what you consider similar between the two answers is in fact, very different. You forgot to prove your statement whereas John did exactly that. Normally, I should have given you only a quarter of the marks instead of half."
Alice: "What about question 4, I stated all the key points but did not score better than 20%!"
Ms. Walsh: "Alice, look, you misread the substance of the question. You were asked to look at the implication of the event, not recounting historical details."
Alice; "Oh!.......I worked very hard, can you not at least give me a pass??"
Ms. Walsh: "Alice, do not worry too much, this is only the first test, if you work hard and try to learn from your mistake this time, you will surely do well in the future. Passing the course should not be a problem."

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