by bus造句


第1个回答  2022-11-21

by bus造句如下:

1、He goes to workby bus.(他乘公共汽车去上班。)

2、You'd betterby bus.(你最好坐车去。)

3、I'm going thereby bus.(我要乘公共汽车去。)

4、You can go to the stationby bus.(你可以坐公共汽车到车站去。)

5、It is possible to get thereby bus.(可以乘公共汽车到那里。)

6、They go to schoolby bus.(他们乘公共汽车去上学。)

7、I'm going homeby bus.(我打算乘公共汽车回家。)

8、You should goby bus.(你得坐公车。)

9、It'll work out cheaper to travelby bus.(算来还是乘公共汽车便宜些。)

10、He is comingby bus.(他将乘公共汽车来。)

11、She comes to workby bus.(她乘公共汽车来上班。)

12、They're travellingby bus.(他们要乘公共汽车旅行。)

13、You can go to schoolby bus.(你可以乘公共汽车去学校。)

14、We traveled by train, notby bus.(我们是坐火车旅行的,不是坐公共汽车。)

15、If you want to goby bus, that suits me fine.(要是你想坐公共汽车走,那对我也合适。)

16、I always go to schoolby bus.(我总是坐公共汽车上学。)

17、You'd be better goingby bus.(你坐公共汽车去会更好些。)

18、Travelingby bus is not so comfortable as by train.(坐公共汽车旅行不如坐火车舒服。)

19、They criss-crossed the countryby bus.(他们乘坐公共汽车在乡间交叉往返。)

20、You can go by train orby bus.(你可以坐火车去或者乘公共汽车去。)