大学英语作文:关于珍惜生命 About Cherishing Life


第1个回答  2023-02-01
Being depressed has been the obvious illness for some people nowadays. It has been noticed by the public. The news reported that some people got suicide because they had been suffered from depression for a long time. We felt so pity for the loss of these young lives, and they deserved living a better life if they had not passed away.
抑郁症已成为当今一些人明显的疾病,已引起公众的注意。据报道,有些人因长期患有抑郁症而自 杀。我们对这些年轻生命的失去而惋惜,如果他们没有去世,他们理应过上更好的生活。

When we saw the loss of young lives from the news, we felt sad and pity. The young people got suicide for many reasons, such as they got dumped by their girlfriends or boyfriends. Some children chose the extreme way to punish their parents after they had arguments. All of these reasons seemed can be solved in other people's eyes, there was no need to say goodbye to the world and miss the beautiful life.
当我们从新闻中看到年轻生命的逝去,我们感到悲伤和同情。年轻人自 杀的原因有很多,比如被女朋友或男朋友甩了。有些孩子在与父母吵架后,采取极端的方式来惩罚他们的父母。所有这些理由在别人的眼中都是可以解决的,没有必要对这个世界说再见,错过美丽的生活。

Life is short, we should cherish it and spend time on the things that can bring us happiness. Thinking about our parents and friends, they support us all the time. Love and care from these lovely people can help us get over all kinds of difficulties.