

第1个回答  2022-10-06
问题一:赢得人心 用英文怎么说 win the people's heart

问题二:人心险恶、社会变态的英语怎么说 人心险恶、社会变态的英语
People's evil, social metamorphosis.
Human hearts are unpredicable, and the society is pervertible.
People's heart is sinister.The society is perverted
Man's heart is inprehensible.The society is abnormal.

问题三:日久见人心用英语怎么说 通常的表示方法有以下几种,第一中最常用,简单明了。仅供参考!
Time reveals a man's heart.Time reveals a person's heart
Time will tell a true friend from a false one.

问题四:最凉不过人心 用英语怎么说 There's nothing colder than people's hearts.

问题五:人心才是潜伏在黑暗中最可怕的东西用英语怎么说 The heart is the most fearful thing in the dark.

问题六:人心叵测的英语 Human mind is unpredictable.