

第1个回答  2022-11-03
问题一:对象用英文怎么说 1.object

问题二:对象用英语怎么说 对象[duìxiàng] 1. 名词 [目标] object 爱丽斯是他爱慕的对象。 Alice is the object of his affections. 2. 名词 [指男女朋友] partner 补充: 对象[duìxiàng] 1. target; object ; butt 研究对象 an object of study 革命对象 targets of the revolution 2. boy (or girl) friend 找对象 look for a partner in marriage 补充: 对作案对象进行了严密布控 have the suspects under strict surveillance 贷款对象 prospective borrower 研究对象 an object of study 检疫对象 objects subject to quarantine 介绍对象 introduce *** . to a potential marriage partner; find *** . a boy or girl friend 做宣传要看对象 In doing propaganda we must consider our audience. 每到周末,这里总会有不少父母来为自己的大龄儿女挑对象。 On every weekend, many parents e here to select boyfriends/girlfriends for their relatively old daughters/sons. 豌豆和果蝇都是常见的遗传学研究对象。 Peas, and fruit flies are traditional objects for genetics study.

问题三:什么?你有对象了?用英文怎么说? 什么?你有对象了?
What? Do you have the partner?

问题四:对象图用英语怎么说 1.object 2.partner

问题五:找对象用英语怎么说? 找对象 [zhǎo duì xiàng] [方] look for a partner in marriage; look for a mate

问题六:我对象用英语怎么说? 我女朋友:my girlfriend
我男朋友:my boyfriend
我的女孩/人:my girl
我的男人:my man
(my boy 是指我儿子,或者我很喜欢的年轻人,或者我的狗)
我的伴侣:my soulmate
我的搭档:my partner
我老婆:my wife
我老公:my hu *** and
我未婚妻:my fiancee
我未婚夫:my fiance
还有很多类似的,英文中没有“对象”这个说法,最接近的并不是男女朋友,而是指现在正在跟我幽会的那个人,这个是:I'm dating XXX, 或者I'm meeting XXX,或者我跟XXX在一起:I'm with XXX

问题七:给你介绍个 对象用英语怎么说 To introduce you to an object

问题八:找对象用英语怎么说 你好!
look for a partner in marriage
look for a mate