西班牙语句子 中翻西 求翻译 感激不尽 高额奖金!! 最好自带西班牙语输入法

1) 我的家很漂亮,家里有三个房间,一个厨房,一个客厅,两个卫生间。
2) Paco是我的朋友,他13岁,他现在在教室里。
3) 我要去超市买食物,你喜欢喝牛奶吗?
4) 她生病了,待会儿(luego)要去医院。
5) 我想要给我的女儿买一件外套。
6) 天空是蓝色的,雪花是白色的,太阳(el sol)是黄色的
7) 在学校里我们早上6点半起床,7点吃早饭。
8) 你应该在扫地之后拖地。
9) 路易斯的爸爸是警察,他的妈妈是医生。
10) 你怎么了?我的手臂很疼。
11) 我每天吃两个苹果,我很喜欢吃水果。
12) Pepe每天穿好衣服之后就铺床,他每个星期都打扫房间两次。

谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 0.0

第1个回答  2011-01-29
1) my house is very beautiful, home with three rooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, two bathrooms.
2) Paco is my friend, he is 13 years old, he is in the classroom now.
3) I want to go to the supermarket to buy food, you like drinking milk?
4) she was ill, and later (luego) should go to a hospital.
5) I want to give my daughter to buy a coat.
6) the sky is blue, Snow White, is the sun (el sol) are yellow
7) at school we get up at half past six in the morning, 7 eating breakfast.
8) you should are sweeping the floor after mopping the floor.
9) lewis's father is a police officer, his mother is a doctor.
10) what's wrong with you? My arm hurts.
11) I ate two apples, I like to eat fruit.
12) Pepe after every wear good clothes turndown, he twice every week to clean the room.