

第1个回答  2018-01-14
News item 2

(3) Britain has announced strict measures to curb bankers bonuses. (4) There will be a one of fifty percent tax on all payments over 40, 000 dollars. The move follows criticism of sizable bonuses banks are planning to pay while receiving government aid. An official of the British banker association Angela Knight said she's concerned by the decision. When it comes to the broad issues of pay in bonuses, we'd already doubted with that. We put it into regulation that contracted bonuses could be differed for two three years paid on consistency of performance only and (5)the majority of bonuses would be pay to share.
(3)英国宣布严格限制银行家奖金的措施。(4)对40, 000美元以上的所有款项征收百分之五十的税。此举是为了批评银行在接受政府援助时计划支付的巨额奖金。英国银行家协会的一位官员Angela Knight说,她对这一决定表示关注。当涉及到奖金发放的广泛问题时,我们已经对此表示怀疑。我们将其规定为:合同奖金在两三年内可能会因业绩而不同,而(5)多数奖金将由股份支付。本回答被提问者采纳