

第1个回答  2015-07-10
路透社奥斯陆电—— 加上昨日新加进“红名单”的太阳熊,世界上最细小的熊种,世界八大熊种中,有六种都濒临灭绝威胁,而中国的熊猫属于极危。负责制定“威胁野生动物名单”的世界自然保护联盟说,偷猎者贩卖太阳熊的胆汁入药图利是它所面临的威胁之一。
OSLO (Reuters) —— Six of the world's eight bear species are under threat of extinction after the addition yesterday of the sun bear, the world's smallest type of bear, to a "Red List" which says China's panda is most at risk. The sun bear is threatened partly by poachers who sell its bile as medicine, said the World Conservation Union which runs the list of threatened wildlife.
"Things are getting worse for all the bear species except the American black bear which is unquestionably increasing," said Simon Stuart, senior species adviser for the Union.
The addition of the sun bear to the authoritative Red List after a major review means the American black bear and the brown bear, found from Europe to Alaska, are the only two of eight species still considered robust. The sun bear, found in Asia from Bangladesh to Borneo and weighing up to about 70 kg, was rated "vulnerable" by experts at the Union, which comprises more than 80 governments, conservation groups and scientists. The Union said there were several thousand sun bears in the wild. "We estimate that sun bears have declined by at least 30 percent over the past 30 years, and continue to decline at this speed," said Ron Steinmetz, head of the Swiss-based Union's sun bear expert team.
Scientists did not change the level of threat to any other bear species (except sun bear). Deforestation, loss of habitat to roads and cities and poaching are among risks. The Asian black bear, the sloth bear and the Andean bear were all proved again as vulnerable after reassessment of land-living bears. The polar, the only species not reassessed, is separately rated as vulnerable. Pandas were regarded again as endangered, one step closer to extinction than vulnerable, in spite of China's protection efforts for the bamboo-eaters.