

第1个回答  2011-04-08
方大同,香港知名男歌手,于美国夏威夷出生,并先后于上海和广州生活,于1998年定居香港。他是一个在香港罕有地创作R&B及灵魂乐作品的唱作人。代表作品有:《Soul Boy》、《爱爱爱》等。

中文名: 方大同
外文名: Khalil Fong
别名: 大同,方先生,大同兄,大爷
国籍: 中国(香港)
民族: 汉
出生地: 夏威夷
出生日期: 1983年7月14日
职业: 歌手、作曲家
代表作品: 《Soul Boy》、《爱爱爱》
主要成就: R&B及灵魂乐作品的唱作人
星座: 巨蟹
身高: 174cm
体重: 40多公斤
血型: O
信仰: 巴哈伊教(旧称大同教)

方大同于1983年7月14日出生在夏威夷群岛。其母方梁玉兰香港人,中美翻译专业 在夏威夷一家酒店做管理工作, 其父是三藩市出生的美籍华人,后搬至夏威夷。
方大同出生之前,父母以为会生个女孩,所以准备了繁多的女生名字,岂料是个儿子, 其父亲匆忙的跑去图书馆,选了khalil,波斯文,宗教译为“朋友”。 早在夏威夷年幼的方大同便开始了音乐之路,很小的时候就会在家里挑选自己喜欢的音乐。 6岁,因为母亲工作原因,全家迁移到上海,父母也希望他多学习中国文化,年纪尚小的方大同在开学的前三个月一直都在睡觉,完全听不懂中文的他,学习异常吃力。学习了三年的中国武术,以及太极。 母亲方梁玉兰女士,在上海开创了NEW BEAT英语教育中心,并且开始着手编写教材。12岁,同是因为母亲工作原因,搬家至广州,与其父经常出没不同的酒吧演唱,积累的丰富的演出经验。方大同的外婆是美国华人第一代演员。 14岁搬家到香港,方大同只在上海读了五年小学,由于期间一直都在不断的搬家,所以选择了美国远程的函授教育,一直读到高中。在这段空闲的日子中,方大同还为其母亲的英语教材NEW BEAT编写了近百首曲子,并且为该教材的英文发音录音,兼职。曾经学过2年的积极心理治疗,因为发片原因暂停学习。他本人希望可以有机会学完整套课程,拿到证书之后还可以作为医生治疗病人。 方大同 专辑封面(11张) 他于2005年11月发表首张个人专辑《Soul Boy》,并被冠以“香港周杰伦”、“香港陶喆”等称号。方大同称希望以自己最熟悉的语言诠释他的音乐,而他亦不擅长广东话,因此方大同虽在香港出道但他只以国语或英语演唱歌曲。他曾经和香港女歌手薛凯琪传绯闻。2006年度叱咤乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼上,因与另外三位唱作人王菀之、张敬轩、张继聪合唱,被外界称为香港唱作四小强之一。四人分属好友,更曾于多场音乐会中合作。又于2007年2月1日至3日举行《爱爱爱音乐会》及于2008年3月30日至31日于香港Star Hall举行《方大同未来演唱会》,大受好评。2008年4月5日于台北国际会议中心举行《方大同未来LIVE Concert》,吸引不少台湾演艺界的名人到场欣赏。

Khalil, well-known male Hong Kong singer, born in Hawaii, and has life in Shanghai and Guangzhou in 1998 to settle in Hong Kong. He is a rare creation in Hong Kong R & B and soul singer-songwriter works. Representative works include: "Soul Boy", "love love love" and so on.

Chinese name: Khalil
Foreign Name: Khalil Fong
Alias: Datong, Fang, Datong brother, uncle
Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong)
Nationality: Han
Hometown: Hawaii
Date of Birth: July 14, 1983
Occupation: Singer, songwriter
Representative works: "Soul Boy", "love love love"
Major achievements: R & B and soul singer-songwriter works
Constellation: Cancer
Height: 174cm
Weight: over 40 kg
Blood type: O
Faith: Baha'i Faith (formerly Pax Education)

Khalil Fong (20) Khalil Fong
Khalil Fong on July 14, 1983 was born in the Hawaiian Islands. Fang Liang Yulan mother in Hong Kong, China and the U.S. translation of a hotel in Hawaii to do professional management, the son of San Francisco-born Chinese American, moved to Hawaii after.
Khalil born, the parents thought it would give birth to a girl, so many of the girls prepared a name, surprise, is a son, his father ran a hurry library, selected khalil, Persian, religion, translated as "friend." Back in Hawaii, the young Khalil began the road of music, will be at home when a small selection of their favorite music. 6 years old because the mother work reasons, the family moved to Shanghai, the parents want him to learn Chinese culture, age, Khalil is still small in the first three months of school have been sleeping, he totally did not understand Chinese language learning abnormalities difficult. Three years studying Chinese martial arts, and Tai Chi. Mother side Miss Liang Yulan, opened in Shanghai NEW BEAT English Education Center, and begin preparation of teaching materials. 12 years old, working with the reason is because his mother, moving to Guangzhou, and his father frequented the bars in different concerts, the accumulated wealth of performance experience. Khalil's grandmother is first generation Chinese American actor. 14-year-old moved to Hong Kong, Khalil only primary school in Shanghai for five years and, as has been the constant during the move, so I chose the American Distance Education correspondence has been read in high school. During this idle time in, Khalil is also the mother of English teaching materials for the preparation of the Jin Baishou NEW BEAT music and recording for the teaching of English pronunciation, part-time. Have studied the positive psychological treatment for 2 years, suspended for reasons of films to learn. I hope he can have a chance to learn a complete set of courses can also get a certificate as a medical treatment after the patients. Khalil album cover (11) He was released in November 2005 debut album "Soul Boy", and was dubbed "Hong Kong Jay", "David Tao Hong Kong," and so on. Khalil said the hope is most familiar with the language of their own interpretation of his music, he was not good at Cantonese, so Khalil, although in Hong Kong debut, but he only sang songs in Mandarin or English. He has, and Hong Kong singer Fiona Sit rumors. 2006 Trivia The songs the ceremony, singer-songwriter for the other three Ivana Wong, Hins Cheung, Louis Cheung chorus, singing as outsiders known as Hong Kong one of the top four small. Four belong to friends, but had several concerts in co-operation. Also in 2007, 1 to 3 February at "Love Love Love Concert" and in 2008 30 to 31 March was held at the Hong Kong Star Hall "Khalil the next concert," well received. April 5, 2008 at the Taipei International Convention Center, "Khalil future LIVE Concert", the world of entertainment has attracted many celebrities present to appreciate.
It is worth mentioning that, Khalil's home or traditional Baha'i family, he also believed in the Baha'i Faith itself. His Chinese name "Harmony" is the Chinese name of the Baha'i religion (the Baha'i Faith, the old translation of Datong Education), founded in the nineteenth century Persia, the existing more than 200 countries around the six million believers.