

第1个回答  2022-09-13

【再接再厉】 【马不停蹄】


〖慢条斯理〗 〖老牛破车〗


〖再接再厉〗: 唐韩愈和孟郊《斗鸡联句》中孟郊的诗句:“一喷一醒然,再接再厉乃。”指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一下嘴。后用以指一次又一次加倍努力。接:交战。厉:同“砺”,磨快。

〖马不停蹄〗: 比喻一刻也不停留,一直前进。





kuài mǎ jiā biān


【成语来源出自哪里】--明 徐姬《杀狗记 看书苦谏》:“何不快马加鞭,迳赶至苍山,救取伯伯。”







(1) symbolic long-distance running, we have been ranked second in the school, as long as we speed up, we will win the championship.

(2) take the lead to welcome the new year, and make great efforts. The horse will succeed, and ten thousand horses will gallop forward bravely. In 2014, the horse will take the lead, and the road of prosperity will be prosperous. March forward to show the power of the horse, and the year of the horse will be prosperous, prosperous and healthy. I wish you a happy New Year!

(3) inspired by the situation of large-scale steel making, Chongqing Iron and steel works speeded up and set a record of high production in February.

(4) the bright red lanterns are shining on the future, the colorful flags are flying, the call for happiness is riding on the horse, the big red lucky words are bumper harvest, the window flowers are promising, the gongs and drums are beating, and the cause is created quickly. I wish my friends: riding around the world, pioneering, heroic executives when!

(5) before dark, Luoshui Zhen quickly went to desert city, the border town of xiazhou, found an inn and changed into men's clothes. She looked a little thin and weak. There were a lot of good and bad people here. She was the most vulnerable to all kinds of attacks and insults.