急求一个三人英语幽默情景对话剧本 在线等

大约4分钟 地点是大学寝室

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-11
(At lunch break, in the cafeteria)
A: Hey Flora, How's it going?
F: Good. Everything's been fine.
A: Do you want to go watch a movie later?
F: Sure, which movie?
A:2012. I've heard that it has excellent graohics.
F: Oh really? That sounds amazing! Sure, I will go.
(D comes in)
D: Hey ladies, what's up?
A: Hey, Dan.
F: Hello.
D: What were you guys talking about?
F: Annie just asked me to go watch a movie with her.
D: Really? Which one?
A: 2012. The new one that is coming out.
D: Great! Can I come too? I wanted to see that movie for quite a long time!
A: Of course you can come!
D: So when is it?
F: Yeah, when should we go watch it and where?
(bell rings)
A: I will call you guys later to update you. See ya!
F: Bye Annie!
D: Catch you later!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-06-09