经济学 关于纳什均衡

Two people are engaged in a joint project. If each person i puts in
the effort xi , a nonnegative number equal to at least 0 and at most
1, which costs her c (xi) ; the outcome of the project is worth f(x1;
x2) : The worth of the project is split equally between the two
people, regardless of their effort levels.
Find its Nash equilibria when f
(x1, x2) = 3x1x2; c(xi)
= xi2 for i = 1,2
Hint: find the best response of each player to the
other player’s effort, and cross the best responses. There is only one solution

Is there a pair of effort
levels that would yield both players higher payoffs than the Nash equilibriumeffort levels? How do we call this type of situation?

第1个回答  2012-10-15

2个人参与了一个联合工程项目。如果每个人i做出了xi的贡献,那么他的成本是一个0-1之间的非负数;这个项目的实施后所得收入是 f(x1; x2) ,并且不论他们的贡献是多少,这个项目的收入在两个人之间平分。

当f(x1, x2) = 3x1x2; c(xi)= xi2 for i = 1,2 的时候,纳什均衡是什么样的?



你写的c(xi)= xi2 是不是Xi^2也就是Xi的平方的意思?我先假设是这样:


1) 根据你的公式,两个人各自的所得为f(x1, x2) / 2 = 3*x1*x2 / 2。并且两个人的成本为Xi^2。

则第1个人的利润为:3*x1*x2 / 2 - X1^2;第2个人的利润为:3*x1*x2 / 2 - X2^2

因为每个人都希望利润最大化,所以对这两个公式同时求最大值:3*X2/2 - 2X1=0;且3*X1/2 - 2X2=0


2) 而如果两个人不计前嫌,全都投入,则当X1 = X2 =1的时候,X1,2各自的所得为:(3*1*1 / 2) - 1^2 = 0.5,这比起纳什均衡的时候(收益为0)两个人都获得了更高的利润,这种情况下两个人为了取得更高的利益进行协商后进行合作,叫做卡特尔组织Cartel。
