
Adamek came forward behind a jab in the opening round. Chambers used movement and made Adamek miss often, while slipping in a few shots of his own. Chambers informed his corner following the first round he had sustained a muscle injury to his left arm. He often switched between orthodox and southpaw stances and threw sparingly with the left hand throughout. Chambers continued to slip the majority of Adamek's shots in Round 2. In Round 3, Adamek worked less with the jab and had some success with combinations. Chambers landed a couple of decent looping right hands. Adamek out landed Chambers in Rounds 5 and 6 as Chambers' offense waned and he fought strictly with his right hand. Chambers likely landed the cleaner shots in Round 7 as he had success with the right hand over Adamek's jab. A pair of right hands bloodied the nose of Adamek in the first half of Round 8, before Adamek came on with the higher output to close the round. Round 9 was largely controlled by Adamek as he pressed the action and greatly outworked Chambers. Chambers was still able to make Adamek miss, but likely did not return enough punches to earn the round. Chambers had an improved tenth round by landing with single right hands over Adamek's jab. Adamek, who appeared to take the round off, did much less than in the ninth. He turned back up his aggression in Rounds 11 and 12 as Chambers flipped out his right hand but was outworked. The decision was controversial. Chambers appeared to have done enough to win the bout. The fact Chambers was only able to use his right hand due to the left arm injury was a major factor which influenced the scoring by the judges, who judge each round based on aggression. Adamek was able to use both hands during the bout.

第1个回答  2012-06-18
adamek 在第一回合上来就是一个刺拳,chambers用不断地移动步伐,使得adamek打出的拳经常落空,还有几次出拳险些使自己滑倒,在第一回合结束时chambers告诉他的团队人员他的左臂肌肉受伤了,他常左右变换姿势,谨慎出拳,在2,3回合chambers躲过了adamek的大部分出拳, adamek减少了用出拳,改用组合拳,并取得了一些效果,chambers有几记右手摆拳击中对手,在5,6回合,chambers进攻时露出空挡,adamek 抓住机会用右手精准地击中对手,在第七回合chambers成功躲过adamek的刺拳用右手拳击中他的面部,第八回合的前半程,chambers的右手拳连续击中adamek的鼻子并使其出血,接下来adamek进行了大举反击,第九回合adamek控制住了局面,成功压制住了chambers,.. Chambers仍能躲闪,但似乎不能进行足够的反击赢下这一回合, 在第十回合,Chambers 有所好转,躲过adamek的刺拳,右手拳击中对方,而adamek看上去在这一回合不如第九回合表现的好,出拳不多,第11,12回合,chambers右手重拳失常,被对手压制住,而adamek又重新找回感觉,有争议判决.chambers失利,chambers看上去足能赢下这场比赛,事实上,chambers由于左手受伤,只能用右手打,这是丢分的主要因素,裁判是根据每一回合的攻势给分的, 而 Adamek在比赛中能够左右开弓,本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-06-18