
The two styles of interviewing used by companies today are the traditional job interview and the behavioral interview.
The traditional job interview uses broad-based questions such as, “why do you want to work for this company,” and “tell me about your strengths and weakness.” Interviewing success or failure is more often based on the ability of the job seeker to communicate than on the truthfulness or content of his answers. Employers are looking for answers to three questions: does the job-seeker have the skills and abilities to perform the job; does the job-seeker possess the enthusiasm and work ethic that the employer expects; and will the job-seeker be a team player and fit into the organization.
The behavioral job interview is based on the theory that past performance is the best indicator of future behavior, and uses questions that probe (探测) specific past behavior, such as, “tell me about a time when you are confronted with an unexpected problem ,” “tell me about an experience when you failed to achieve a goal ,” and “Give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects at once.” Job seekers need to prepare for these interviews by recalling situations that fit the various types of behavioral interviewing questions.
1.The major topic for the passage:
2.The two styles of job interviewing are:
3.The traditional job interview is more focused on job-seeker:
4.The theory of the behavioral job interview is based on job seekers:
就有一个人的回答我比较满意 但是还是欠缺了点什么


2。the traditional job interview and the behavioral interview

3.the ability of the job seeker to communicate than on the truthfulness or content of his answers.
4.the past performance is the best indicator of future behavior, and uses questions that probe specific past behavior。
但是还是感谢大家的回答 我不是耍大家玩 只是你们的回答不令我满意~~~~ 尤其是 有人竟然帮我把翻译写上去了!!! 我不得不说 大哥 我弄翻译5秒钟搞定 网上什么没有 还有你给我翻译阿~~~晕死~~更有甚者 给我的是什么破答案:正确 错误? 我只能说 你真有病!!!好了 废话说到这~~~所以本人把接近答案的回答着给予奖励

第1个回答  2007-12-06

1.这篇文章的主题是:The two styles of interviewing.
2.两种面试的类型是: The traditional job interview and the behavioral interview.
第2个回答  2007-12-06


晕。。。。还以为没人回答。。。写得手都酸了 早知道就不写了。。。。。
第3个回答  2007-12-06
1.The two styles of interviewing.
2.the traditional job interview and the behavioral interview.
3.Does the job-seeker have the skills and abilities to perform the job; does the job-seeker possess the enthusiasm and work ethic that the employer expects; and will the job-seeker be a team player and fit into the organization.
4.past performance is the best indicator of future behavior.
传统的求职面试采用很泛泛的基础问题,例如, "为什么你想或者不想为这家公司工作?" , "告诉我你的强项和弱点 ",面试的成败,更常常是取决于求职者的沟通能力和回答内容的真实性。雇主正在寻找答案的三个问题:是否求职者具备的技能和能力,以满足该岗位的;是否求职者是具备如否雇主预计那样的积极性和工作热忱,并希望职者具有团队精神,并融入该组织。
行为面试是在理论的基础上,跟即过去的表现,最终反映未来的行为,并通过问题,了解到过去的具体的行为,如: "请告诉我关于某次你遇到了突发事件时的情况, " "请告诉我,当你未能达到一个目标经验" , "给我一个你管理的几个项目上具体的例子,"
第4个回答  2007-12-06
1.What are the traditional job interview and the be behavioral interview.

2.The traditional interview use broad-based questions .Interviewing success or failure is more often based on the ability of the job seeker to communicate than on the truthfulness or content of his answers
The behavioral job interview is based on the theory that past performance is the best indicator of future behavior, and uses questions that probe specific past behavior.
3.the ability of communication.
4.past performance is the best indicator of future behavior.
第5个回答  2007-12-06
1.The major topic for the passage: the two main styles of job interview.

2.The two styles of job interviewing are: the traditional job interview and the behavioral job interview.

3.The traditional job interview is more focused on job-seeker: more often based on the ability of the job seeker to communicate than on the truthfulness or content of his answers. It meas that :the job seekers' ability is the most important fator in the interview.

4.The theory of the behavioral job interview is based on job seekers:It is based on the job seekers'thought and ability of dealing with unexpected problems.