

第1个回答  2023-05-15
A Time Capsule
If I were to create a time capsule, I would include some items that represent life today and how much the world has changed. First, I would include a smartphone. Smartphones have become such an important part of our lives and they show how much technology has advanced. People today have access to any information at their fingertips and can stay constantly connected with friends around the world.
Second, I would include newspapers or news articles. The news reports what is happening in the world each day. Looking back at newspapers from today, people in the future would be able see what events and issues we found most important now. They would get a glimpse into how society today is thinking and feeling.
Finally, I would include photographs. Photographs aptly capture moments in time and show what people's lives are really like. I would include photographs of friends, family, special places, and moments that I want to remember and share with people of the future. Photographs offer a visual window into the past and present.
Using these items, people in many years who discover my time capsule would get an idea of what life is like in today's world, how technology and society advanced, what events were influential, and what things I personally experienced and valued. A time capsule is a way to connect with people across many years and share a glimpse of what the past was like. I hope people in the future would find these items I chose to include interesting and that it would give them some understanding about what life was like today.