

第1个回答  2020-08-02
Today, many people will ask whether college students should take part-time jobs, because doing part-time jobs can increase our social experience, but it will also take part of our time and energy, so whether college students should do part-time jobs has become a problem.
In my opinion, college students should do part-time jobs properly, because as college students, we need certain social experience. We can't just ignore things outside the window and read only the sages' books. We need some part-time experience to make us understand the society better, contact with the society, and not derail from the society. Moreover, we can obtain certain funds and increase income by doing part-time jobs, It is not to say that we give up our studies for the sake of part-time jobs. Part time jobs are only a means for us to understand the society. As college students, our most important task is still our studies. We should attach importance to our studies and balance the relationship between study and part-time jobs
In short, light of heart from care is not enough. We are no longer a child at the University. We are already an adult. We can no longer play with carefree school. We need to start to understand the society and learn to integrate into the society, laying the foundation for future life. So we need to do some part-time jobs.