
1.能成为对中一员,我感到十分荣幸.I"m____a part of the team.2考试不及格的短语______.3属于的短语_____.4成千上万的短语_______.5多亏他的忠告,我才得以成功.______his advice,sucieeded.期待的短语_.6他不再工作了.7屋子里还有谁.(翻译)

第1个回答  2020-12-29
1。I'm proud of being a part of the team。 2。fail (in) the exam long to ousands of 5。Thanks to his advice, I succeeded。
look forward to 6。He doesn't work any longer。 7。Who else is in the house?。
第2个回答  2020-11-26
pound to be fail in exam belong to thousands and hundreds of Thanks for look forward to He doesn't work any longer. Who else is in the house?