
1, 发短信,玩游戏会占据太多时间,影响学习。
2, 校内不许用手机,因为会打扰别人
3, 经常会收到一些欺骗性的不良短信
4, iphone4s价格昂贵,且手机费用会增加父母的负担
参考词汇:send short messages , take up ,disturb,expense .burden

第1个回答  2012-03-25
Dear Wangdong,

I have got your letter, in your letter, which you told me that you were thinking of buying an iPhone4. I don't think it is a very good idea. First of all, it will affect your study if you spend a lot of your time playing games or send short messages with it. Secondly, cellphones are not allowed to be used in school in order not to disturb others.Thirdly people often receive many false messages, which you may find yourself being cheated. Finally this kind of cellphones is very expensive that the expenses will certainly increase your parents' burden. So I suggest that you should think carefully before you decide to buy it and please consider this is just my concerned advice to you as a friend.

Best friend of yours

第2个回答  2012-03-25
Hello, Wangdong! I have heard from you and I hear that you want to buy a iPone 4s. I don't think it a good idea. Because buying it will result in many bad results . First it will affect your study if playing games or sending short messages takes up much of your time. Second cellphones are not allowed to be used in school in order not to disturb others.Third people often receive many cheating messages . Finally this kind of cellphone is so expensive that the expense will certainly increase your parents' burden. So i think you had better not buy it .I would be appreciate it if you can consider my advice .