

第1个回答  2023-01-11
go for a picnic在美国英语中是一个习惯用法,而且go for之后还可以跟其他的表示户外活动的名词搭配;go on a picnic这个短语中真正属于习惯用法的是on跟后面表示旅游、露营等外出活动的那个名词的搭配,也就是说picnic不一定非要跟go搭配才能使用,而是可以跟别的词搭配使用也可以,而且这种用法英美两国英语都认同:
1. (American English) go for (a walk, a drive, etc.): to do an activity (such as walking or driving a car) that usually involves going somewhere(美国英语)通常指到某个地方去做某种活动,比如说散步、开车等
It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic.天气不错;咱们去野餐吧。
Would anyone like to go for a swim?有人愿意去游泳吗?
She went for a walk/stroll after dinner.晚饭后她出去溜达去了。
We will take a chance with the weather and go for a picnic.我们将怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情去野餐。
On Saturday mornings we like to go for a drive out in the countryside.星期六早上我们喜欢在乡下开车兜风。

2. on: used to introduce an activity that someone is doing, particularly travelling(引出所进行的活动,特别是旅行)处于…情况中,在从事…中
She's on a course all this week.她本周一直人在旅途中。
I met him on vacation in Canada.我在加拿大度假中遇到他。
My girlfriend is often away on business trips.我的女朋友经常商务旅行。
If the weather is nice, we'll go out on a picnic.如果天气好, 我们将去野餐。
Children were on a picnic and frolicked in a field.孩子们在野餐,在田野上嬉闹。
On a lovely autumn evening we drove out on a picnic.在一个美好的秋夜,我们开车外出野餐。
He took the paraffin stove on a picnic and the ruddy thing wouldn't work.他带了那个煤油炉去野餐,但是那个该死的东西根本用不了。