

第1个回答  2016-05-11

1996年以优秀毕业生的身份毕业于北京广播学院播音系(现中国传媒大学播音主持艺术学院),分配到甘肃电视台工作,担任台内标志性栏目《今日聚焦》的节目主持人,栏目的创始人之一。短短几年时间,连续获得两届国家级金话筒奖(第三届,第四届),学术论文:《论节目主持人思维品质的提高》获国家级银奖,并获得数十项国家级,省级奖项。目前本人资料图片已收录在《中国节目主持人 20 年》中,该书为中国国家图书馆馆藏。为中国节目主持人研究会正式会员并于1998年获国家一级播音员资格认证,现为副高职位主任播音员。
2009年7月,正式成为兰州大学新闻传播学院副教授、硕士生导师 。
In the past ten years, Nan Zhao have been closely associated with mass media. Majoring in news presenter in her university study( She graduated from Communication University of China (CUC)—the top academic institution of information and communication in China) , she has been working as a presenter of Economy Programme in both China Central Television—CCTV and Gansu Provincial Television stations.
Over the years, she has established amicable relations with over a dozen of honored guests not only in China, but also the world. In 1999, after she best effort and good personal judgement, she proposed and made carefully the program of Protecting Mother River—Yellow River”—attracting people’s attention to the environmental protection. Due to her brilliant and gifted performance, she was rewarded The National Golden Mike Award”—the highest reward for a presenter in China. Her name and photograph has been included in a specialist book Presenters 20 Years”. She is the full member of the China Presenters Research Committee (CPRC). She is also the full member of the Western Returned Scholars Association Chinese Overseas
At present she finished her postgraduate degree at London South Bank University. Also she was working for the student union based in the University of London responsible for Foreign Affairs of Chinese Students and Scholars Association. At the same time, as one of the originators, she worked part-time as the chief editor of the Chinese newspaper UK-Chinese Times” published by UK Chinese Business Consultants Ltd.. All this makes her well know that a good understanding of different cultures is very important in the world.