

第1个回答  2013-10-17
友情,它不比亲情的血浓于水,但它同样神圣不可侵犯。它洁白得如同一张白纸,澄澈得如同一汪清泉,绚烂得如同一簇繁花.... 不是酒肉朋友间的吃喝玩乐,也不是官场上的巴结献媚,它不出于任何目的,不是做出样子给别人看的,更不掺杂任何功利因素,而是自主地无怨无悔的奉献,单纯地发自内心的情感。朋友间的关心与牵挂,一旦拥有,就挥之不去,它融于血液,藏于心间。朋友间的默契,是心有灵犀的美妙感觉,它会使彼此的心靠得更近、手握得更紧。真正的友情,它可靠,甚至坚不可摧Friendship, it than sentiments of the blood is thicker than water, but it also is inviolable. It became white as a white paper, clear as a WangQing springs, gorgeous as a bunch of flowers... Not fair-weather friends between beer and skittles, nor officialdom the fawn on sucking up, it is not for any purpose, not make appearance to give others to look, more do not mixed any utility factor, but independently without cimplaining dedication, simply heartfelt emotion. Between the friend of concern and care, once you have, they linger, it into the blood, hidden in mind. Between the friend of tacit understanding, is heart contain wonderful feeling, it can make each other's heart lean nearlier, hand grip tighter. True friendship, it is reliable, even invincible 真正的朋友,快乐着彼此的快乐,幸福着彼此的幸福;A true friend, happy each other's happiness, happiness each other's happiness; 真正的朋友能够永远牵手、互相帮助、相互鼓舞,共同奋斗。A true friend will forever in hand, help each other and mutual inspiring, strive together. 真正的朋友,能分享你的快乐,更能感受你的心痛。A true friend, can share your happiness, more can feel your heart pain. 有朋友相伴,再大的风浪也可以一笑置之;有朋友相伴,再大的挫折也有勇气坚持下去;有朋友相伴,再大的痛苦也知道自己有个能够避风的港湾;有朋友相伴,就算全世界背叛你,你也会知道,只要你回头,你的身后一定有个人还在默默的支持着你,那个人,就叫做朋友。Has a friend accompanies, again big waves can laugh, Has a friend accompanies, again big frustrate also have the courage to persevere, Has a friend accompanies, again big pain also know oneself have a can sheltered bay; Has a friend forever, even if the world betrays you, you will also know, as long as you turn around, you must have a personal return behind in silence the support you, that person, called a friend.