

第1个回答  2012-05-24
1)名称:一般将来时(The simple future tense)


例如:They will go swimming this afternoon.

She will be busy in two hours.

3)构成:will/shall+动词原形(do sth).或者be(am/is/are) going to+动词原形(do sth.)

4)用法:A .will/shall+动词原形(do sth)

1. 表示偶然性或者临时决定。

例如:I hope it will rain soon.

I’m sure that our team will win.

They think that they will have a meeting this afternoon.

I will also go to Beijing next week.


例如:Shall I open the door? Yes.please.

Will you please help me with my English?


例如:This year he is 15 years old,he will be 16 years old next year.

Today is Monday,it will be Tuesday tomorrow

B.be going to +动词原形(do sth.)


例如:Look at the black clouds,it is going to rain.

Her mother is badly ill,she is going to die.


例如:Next year I am going to buy a new house in Yangzhou.

We hear that they are going to build a new airport in Jiangdu this year.

5)常见引导词:next……,tomorrow/tomorrow morning /afternoon/evening,

the day after tomorrow, this afternoon,this evening,tonight, in an hour等。

6)注意点:1. .will与shall区别。

will适用于一切人称,shall只用于第一人称(I/We shall…./Shall I/we….?)



will not=won’t shall not=shan’t


Will he go there at once ?Yes,he will/No, he won’t

Shall We have a party tomorrow?根据情况回答Yes,you will./No,you won’t./Ok/Good idea.

4.be going to+do sth. 否定形式,.疑问形式及其回答。

He is not going to visit Shanghai this May Day.

Is he going to visit Shanghai this May Day? Yes, he is/No, he isn’t


例如: ----小明,晚饭好了。---我就来,妈妈。

---Xiaoming,supper is ready.

----I’m coming ,Mum.


例如:Let’s go home, shall we?

Let us play football,will you?

Please don’t play with fire ,will you?

Stand up, will you?