

第1个回答  2022-06-29
  随着全球化进程的加速,各国之间开放与合作的力度不断加大,英语作为国际通用语言,也日益受到非英语国家 教育 部门的高度重视。本文是 六年级英语 课外短文,希望对大家有帮助!
  六年级英语课外短文:The Tax-Work-In the US

  Tax is an inevitable feature of reality.Whether you are your own boss or working for someone else,there are always different taxes waiting to be paid.


  If you sell things,the government gets sales taxes.What complicates things is that every state is different,so price tags never include the taxes.Customers don't know exactly how much they have to pay,and discounts or price changes become hard to manage.


  When your money starts rolling in,you see that the calendar is closing in on April.That means the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)will be expecting your income taxes.Paying taxes isn't the worst part;what's annoying is that the forms have pages after pages of incomprehensible nonsense that only Harvard gradu-ates working in Washington DC understand.For the average person,his only option is to hire expensive accountants who punch numbers into calculators and help you do middle school arithmetic.

  当你开始赚钱时,你就会看到四月快到了。那就意味著IRS(美国的国税局)在等着收受你的所得税。缴税还不是最糟的事;最讨厌的是那些表格都是一页页难以理解的东西,只有从哈佛大学 毕业 并在华盛顿DC工作的人才看得懂。对于普通人来说,他唯一的选择是花一堆的钱来雇一个会计师,请他把数字输入计算器,帮你做中学会就会做的算术。

  Now let me remind you that your work is doubled because you do both federal and state taxes.There's no way out;whatever you do,the government will suck you dry.

  六年级英语课外短文:International Driver's License-Vacation

  For more than 50years,travelers have been using the international driver's license to travel in foreign countries.The idea is that a driver with a driver with a valid driver's license in her own country can drive freely in another country without going through another driving test.Of course,this is true only for countries that participate in this program.


  The United Nations has a deatailed guideline for how the license should be presented;including what information and what languages should be displayed.Getting one is fairly easy.Since you already have a valid driver's license,getting the international license is a matter of filling out the application and paying for the processing fee.


  Once you have the license,you can rent cars and drive in foreign highways.If you happen to be stopped by law enforcement officers such as police,you have to present both licenses.The international license can never be valid alone.Some countries may recognize your own driver's license,but having the international license will save you from potential hassles and resolve language barriers.

  六年级英语课外短文:My New Home-Home-Real Estate

  Because of father's work. our family had to move to San Diego. Father wanted to lease butmother insisted on buying. Both of them had good points. so the compromise was a short-term lease as tamporary settlement and buying a new home at a better location late. Soon,father found out that loan interest rates had been dropping and the real estate market was atan all time low. He changed his mind.


  Now they had agreed on buying, father must search carefully for the new home. It was difficultat first, bacause we lived way up in Seanle Washington. Following a friend's suggestion fathercontacted a real estate broker at Century 21. Things went much smoothly after that.


  The ideal location was found, negotiated, and bought. Father chose a single story, twenty-fivehundred square feet house on an eight thousand square feet lot. It has three bedrooms, twoand a half bathrooms, and a garage with room for two cars.


  We hired a moving company to ship our belongings to the new address with a trailer truck. Itwas not a major change for me, I just had to change my destination when flying home onvacations.
