

第1个回答  2022-10-12
【成语】: 灿烂辉煌
【拼音】: càn làn huī huáng
【解释】: 灿烂:鲜明耀眼。形容光彩四射,鲜明耀眼。也比喻成绩卓著,十分引人注目。
【出处】: 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第四十八回:“只觉金光万道,瑞气千条,灿烂辉煌,华彩夺目。”
【成语】: 成效卓著
【拼音】: chéng xiào zhuó zhù
【解释】: 获得的成绩非常显著。
【成语】: 开花结实
【拼音】: kāi huā jié shí
【解释】: 比喻修养、学习、工作等有了成绩,取得效果。同“开华结果”。
【出处】: 《云笈七签》卷五六:“腹中无滓秽,但有真精元气,淘汰修炼不辍,自然开花结实矣。”
【成语】: 业峻鸿绩
【拼音】: yè jùn hóng jì
【解释】: 功业高,成绩大。
【出处】: 南朝·梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·原道》:“夏后氏兴,业峻鸿绩,九序惟歌,勋德弥缛。”周振甫注:“业峻鸿绩:即业峻绩鸿,功业高,成绩大。”
【成语】: 卓有成效
拼音】: zhuó yǒu chéng xiào
【解释】: 卓:卓越,高超。有突出的成绩和效果。
【出处】: 明·王守仁《申行十家牌法》:“若巡访劝谕著有成效者,县官备礼亲造其庐,重加奖励。”
He is a distinguished scientist.
Li Ming used this plan to improve discipline in his class.
This old general, who lives and dies, wins every battle and has outstanding achievements.
Who has to use my output to make it effective?
Contrary to the legend, the boy who has made great achievements has been in a dilemma several times
Managers must be effective.
Effective managers are good at employing talents.
The system is effective in providing consumers with more reliable price stability.
Mr. Zhang studied hard and made great achievements in teaching.
. to be effective is a habit, a complex of continuous training.
Grandpa Wang used to be a naval officer with outstanding achievements.
. knowing your time, as long as you are willing, is a fruitful way.
All the teachers are devoted, diligent, practical and have outstanding achievements
His fruitful research in this scientific research activity has been praised and respected by his peers.
Under the guidance of your company, you and I have worked closely together and made fruitful preliminary cooperation?
In the face of the boundless universe, human beings have made fruitful explorations again and again.
Of course, education is a highly valued and effective field of communication between the two countries.
Although we have made remarkable achievements, there is still a considerable gap compared with the advanced level in the world
If we can do it together, our personal efforts will be fruitful!
Character education is not only a feasible way, but also an effective way.
Energy conservation and emission reduction and adaptation to climate change and other initiatives have made remarkable achievements