

第1个回答  2022-07-28

There was always little voice inside that kept saying. 我心里有个声音告诉我

I don't care what you guys say,something's bothering her 我不管你们怎么说, 她肯定心里有事

You're gonna have to not touch my ass. 你不许再碰我的屁股

This isn't the face of a person who trusts a person 但这不是一幅信任的表情

If i could go back in time and do it again, I wouldn't 如果我能使时光倒转 我不会那么做

I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee. 下了班要不要去喝咖啡

This isn't supposed to mean anything to you 对你来说毫无意义

2022年5月4日 第3集

Our trains are on the same track. 我们的人生道路方向一样

She is my last chance to have somebody. 她是我最后的一根救命稻草

Did you know I'm allergic to shellfish?你知道我对贝类过敏吗?

You're not gonna end up alone. 你不会孤独终老的

I reject anyone who's crazy enough to actually go out with me. 我甩了所有笨的愿意和我交往的女孩

My major was totally useless我完全学非所用

Maybe It's the lightning也许是灯光的原因

we lived together, we told each other everything. 我们住在一起,我们无话不谈

I don't know how to tell you this 我不知道要怎么说

whoever stood you up is jerk. 放你鸽子的人是混蛋.


It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it. 从别人嘴里说出来感觉更酷

He was nothing compared to you. 他跟你没法比


I see someone's having a little allergic reaction. 我看有人有点儿过敏反应

Don't squeeze it so hard. 别握那么紧.

Just to get the ball rolling and to make myself feel better. 只是开始 并且让我舒服一些


You know what I go through the exact same thing 我也有过相同的经历

You had feelings for me first.你先对我有感觉的

I've got a cab waiting. 出租车在等着

You had no right to say you ever had feelings foe me. 你没有权利告诉我说 你喜欢过我

I think It's wonderful how much energy you have 我觉得你精力这么充沛真好

Who I care about and who cares about me 我们互相关怀

I'm telling you this thing won't print.我说这个机器打印不出来

I pressed that button like 100 times 那个按钮我按了100次了

Why don't you read it to her? 为什么不念给她听呢?

Just remember how crazy I am about you. 你只要记得我多么疯狂爱你就好

2022年5月6日 8集

You gonna give me another chance.你再给我一次机会

That's what I said 这是我想说的

You guys really don't have to go. we're done talking. 你们真的不用走,我们已经谈完了

I guess that the difference between us 我想这就是我们的不同之处

He wants to know he's deeply sorry for what He did.他为他的行为深感抱歉

He hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive him. 希望你能从心底原谅他

2022年5月8日 9集

You liked me for a year and you didn't do anything about it. 你暗恋我一年了吧,你什么都没有为我做

It turns out that she wants to get back together with me. 她想和我和好

I want more than anything to just work it out with her. 我无比希望能和她继续交往

Could you please chop some up and put it right in the sauce?麻烦把它剁碎搅到酱汁里好吗


I'm not really anything at him anymore. 我对他一点儿也没有什么了

You're Just gonna have to used to the fact that i will not be dating with him 你们只好习惯我不会和他约会这个事实

I know what your problem is. 我知道你的问题是什么

They wanna celebrate that love with the people that are close with them. 他们想和亲朋好友一起庆祝这份爱

I know who it is you remind me of. 我知道你让我想起谁了

I've never seen you this happy.我从来没见过你这么快乐

The only thing that i can think of is that 我唯一能够想到的是


Speed it up 加快速度

Now you can understand how i feel every single day. 现在你可以理解我每天的感受了吧

It's not what you think that 这不是你想的那样

2022年5月9日 13集

We're getting off the track.我们扯太远了

2022年5月10日 14集

I want you tell me what you're doing while you're doing it. 我想让你告诉我 你一边做一边告诉我进度

If i couldn't pay you back right away then i feel guilty and tense every time i saw you. 如果我不能立即还你,我看到你就会紧张和内疚

It's just not worth it. 根本不值得

You can pay me back whenever you like. 什么时候还都可以


He barely touched her with the needle, she screamed. 针还没有碰到她,她就开始叫唤了


I figured I'd have time alone with my thoughts.我以为我会有时间自己思考

It turns out i don't have as many thoughs as you think. 事实上我的思想并没有你们那么多

2022年5月12日 19集

I'm someone who needs the wholesecurity thing. 我是个需要安全感的人

I can't tell you how much respect i have for you. 你不知道我多么尊重你

You guys are not gonna believe what happened.你们一定不会相信发生了什么事

2022年5月13日 21集

This kind of stuff isn't supposed to happen anyone. 不应该碰上这种事儿了

put all money on me. 拿钱投资我自己

You don't know the first thing about the stock market.你对股市一窍不通

2022年5月14日 22集

The head of the bed is where the Sun would be. 床头的位置就是太阳的方向

2022年5月15日 23集

This is the most romantic disease I've ever had. 这是我得过的最浪漫的病

Just getting ready to roll the dice. 准备掷骰子了

This is what i do for luck.我在祈求好运

I'm confused. 我困惑了

In my bedroom I set my clock six minutes fast.我把房间的时钟调快了6分钟

2022年5月16日 24集

It's not a lot of women would've had the guts to come back here tonight.没有多少女人有胆量今晚回来这里

I can't believe what I'm getting ready to say. 真不敢相信我就要这么说了