

第1个回答  2013-10-10
1. ---Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher?
---Oh! It’s Mr. Baker, our maths teacher.
A. he B. that C. whom D. which
2. I hate the people ________ don’t help others when they are in trouble.
A. who B. which C. they D. where
3. The foreigner _________ visited our school is from Canada.
A. which B. when C. who D. whom
4. George Mallory was an English school teacher _______ loved climbing.
A. who B. whom C. he D. which
5. This is the place _____I have ever visited.
A. there B. when C. where D. which
6. Nobody knows the reason ______ she didn’t come to the meeting.
A. that B. which C. why D. when
7. The moon is a world ______ there is no life.
A. that B. which C. where D. why
8. He has forgotten the day _______ he arrived.
A. when B. where C. that D. which
9. He still remembers the days ______ he spent with your family.
A. when B. where C. that D. on which
10. Mr. White, ______ car had been stolen, came to the policeman.
A. who B. that C. whose D. which
11. He got to the village _______ his family once lived before liberation.
A. that B. which C. when D. where
12. This is the house _______ I want to buy.
A. in which B. that C. whose D. where
13. This is the house _______ our beloved Premier Zhou once lived and worked.
A. which B. that C. when D. where
14. He didn’t tell me the place _______ he was born.
A. that B. which C. when D. where
15. He lived in a small village, ______ was a long way from the railway station.
A. that B. which C. where D. when
第2个回答  2013-10-10
1) He took all was here and left nothing.A. what; B. which; C. that; D. whose2) I’m one of the boys never late for school.A、that is; B、who are; C、who am D who is3) Who is that girl wearing a red dress?A、whose; B、who; C、whom; D、who’s4) Her sister, you met at my home, was a teacher of English. A、whom; B、that; C、which5) The old man yesterday is a scientist.A、I spoke; B、I spoke to; C、whom I spoke to; D、that I spoke to him6) The house roof was damaged has now been repaired.A、who’s; B、whose; C、that; D、of which7) The second Book I want to read is “ Travels in China”A、which; B、what; C、that; D、as8) I’ll never forget the days I stayed in your beautiful country.A、when; B、in whi ch; C、that; D、for which9) September 18,1931 is the day we’ll never forget.A、that; B、when; C、on which; D、on that10) The only language is easy to learn is the mother tongue.A、which; B、whose; C、that; D、it11) You may borrow any Book .A、that you interest; B、which you are interested; C、that interests you; D、which interests you12) The boy handed everything he had picked up in the street to the police.A、which; B、that; C、what; D、whatever13) Guilin is the most beautiful place people all over the world want to visit.A、where; B、which; C、what; D、that14) The dictionary is sold out in the bookshop.A、you need; B、what you need; C、which you need it; D、that you need it.15) The continent I visited last year was not the one I once worked.A、which、where; B、which、which; C、where、which; D、where、where