初中英语句型 急等!!

如make sb. do sth
help sb. to do 等 如此这样的 初中三年的 越多越好 考试常用的 尽量详细些 尽快回答 我在线等着 急用 小女子先谢谢各位了
最好把译文也写上 整个初中三年的稍微重点的也好 没这么少吧

It is hard to do sth
object sb. do sth
be afraid of sb
agree with sb.
be busy with sth.
be afraid to do sth.
give sb. sth.
show sb.sth.
be good at=do well in
be pleased with...
be different from...
be careful with...
cover sth. with sth.用..遮住..
would like to do sth.
it take sb. sometime to do sth.
share sth. with sb.
require sb. to do sth .需要某人做某事
try to do sth.
forget do sth.
ask sb. to do sth
toadvice/suggest sb. do sth 建议某人做某事
force sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事
let/demand sb. do sth.
stop sb. to do sth.
allow sb. to do sth .同意某人做某事
forbidden sb. to do sth .禁止某人做某事

第1个回答  2008-06-01
ask sb. to do sth(请求)
force sb. to do sth.(强迫)
let/demand sb. do sth.(让)
stop sb. to do sth(阻止)
allow sb. to do sth(允许)
forbidden sb. to do sth(禁止)
require sb. to do sth(要求(
advice/suggest sb. do sth(建议)
object sb. do sth.(同意)
第2个回答  2008-06-01
第3个回答  2008-06-07
第4个回答  2008-06-09
It is hard to do sth
object sb. do sth
be afraid of sb
agree with sb.
be busy with sth.
be afraid to do sth.
give sb. sth.
show sb.sth.
be good at=do well in
be pleased with...
be different from...
be careful with...
cover sth. with sth.用..遮住..
would like to do sth.
it take sb. sometime to do sth.
share sth. with sb.
require sb. to do sth .需要某人做某事
try to do sth.
forget do sth.
ask sb. to do sth
toadvice/suggest sb. do sth 建议某人做某事
force sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事
let/demand sb. do sth.
stop sb. to do sth.
allow sb. to do sth .同意某人做某事
forbidden sb. to do sth .禁止某人做某事
第5个回答  2008-06-12